The Ache

Pansy Division

You've settled down into something secure
 But a gnawing feeling leaves you quite unsure
 Out of the race, off the market, for ages now
 Diving back in rekindles buried doubts
 You thought time would help to make things clear
 But after all this time, the ache won't disappear

 Found yourself in love, lost without a map
 Falling back on that ingrained romantic crap
 Time's an investment, but after all you've spent
 So many questions won't let you be content
 You're wondering now if you've made a mistake
 When your big romance jut leaves you with an empty ache

 You're feeling stale, like a stalemate, with each embrace
 From the back of your mind, to staring you in the face
 Restlessness, oh yes, but more profound
 Ship isn't sinking, oh no, it's run aground
 Your relationship is hollow at the core
 What the hell do you stay together for?
 When you finally admit
 That the love of your life is a farce
 That's when the ache just tears you apart