Nine Inch Nails akordy a texty písní
- Hurt
- The Hand That Feeds
- Wish
- We're in This Together
- The Only Time
- Deep
- Copy of a
- Closer
- Zero-Sum
- Head Like a Hole
- Came Back Haunted
- Love Is Not Enough
- Satellite
- 1,000,000
- Piggy
- Something I Can Never Have
- Capital G
- Right Where It Belongs
- The Downward Spiral
- God Given
- All Time Low
- Burn
- Demon Seed
- Ruiner
- Terrible Lie
- The Warning
- Every Day Is Exactly the Same
- Pinion
- Sanctified
- Head Down
- 1 Ghosts I
- T 1,000,000
- 10 Ghosts II
- T 10 Miles High
- 11 Ghosts II
- 12 Ghosts II
- 13 Ghosts II
- 14 Ghosts II
- 15 Ghosts II
- 16 Ghosts II
- 17 Ghosts II
- 18 Ghosts II
- 19 Ghosts III
- 2 Ghosts I
- 20 Ghosts III
- 21 Ghosts III
- 22 Ghosts III
- 23 Ghosts III
- 24 Ghosts III
- 25 Ghosts III
- 26 Ghosts III
- 27 Ghosts III
- 28 Ghosts IV
- 29 Ghosts IV
- 3 Ghosts I
- 30 Ghosts IV
- 31 Ghosts IV
- 32 Ghosts IV
- 33 Ghosts IV
- 34 Ghosts IV
- 35 Ghosts IV
- 36 Ghosts IV
- 4 Ghosts I
- 5 Ghosts I
- 6 Ghosts I
- 7 Ghosts I
- 8 Ghosts I
- 9 Ghosts I
- 999,999
- A Warm Place
- Adam and the Ants
- T Ahead of Ourselves
- T All the Love in the World
- T All Time Low
- Another Version of the Truth
- T Beside You in Time
- T Big Man with a Gun
- Black Noise
- T Branches/Bones
- T Burn
- T Burning Bright (Field on Fire)
- T Came Back Haunted
- T Capital G
- T Closer
- Closer (Unrecalled)
- Cold Cave
- Complication
- T Copy of a
- Corona Radiata
- T Dead Souls
- T Dear World,
- Death Factory
- T Deep
- T Demon Seed
- T Disappointed
- T Discipline
- T Down In It
- Down It
- Drive Her Down
- T Echoplex
- T Eraser
- Eraser (Reduction)
- T Even Deeper
- T Every Day Is Exactly the Same
- T Everything
- Falling
- T Find My Way
- First Born
- Fist Fuck
- T Gave Up
- Gave Up (Open My Eyes)
- T Get Down, Make Love
- T Getting Smaller
- T God Break Down the Door
- T God Given
- T Happiness in Slavery
- T Head Down
- T Head Like a Hole
- Help Me I Am in Hell
- T Heresy
- Hot Chip
- Hurt
- T I Do Not Want This
- T I Would for You
- I'm Not from This World
- T In This Twilight
- T In Two
- T Into the Void
- Just Like You Imagined
- T Kinda I Want To
- T La Mer
- T Last
- T Less Than
- T Letting You
- T Lights in the Sky
- T Love Is Not Enough
- T March of the Pigs
- T Me, I'm Not
- Meat Beat Manifesto
- T Meet Your Master
- T Mr. Self Destruct
- T My Violent Heart
- Nine Inch Nails
- T No, You Don't
- T Not Anymore
- T Only
- T Over and Out
- Pigface
- T Piggy
- Pilgrimage
- Pinion
- Play the Goddamned Part
- Plug
- Pulse
- T Reptile
- T Reptilian
- T Right Where It Belongs
- T Ringfinger
- T Ruiner
- T Running
- T Sanctified
- T Satellite
- Screaming Slave
- T She's Gone Away
- T Shit Mirror
- T Sin
- T Something I Can Never Have
- T Somewhat Damaged
- Spacetime Continuum
- T Starfuckers, Inc.
- T Suck
- T Sunspots
- T Survivalism
- T Terrible Lie
- T That's What I Get
- T The Background World
- T The Becoming
- T The Beginning of the End
- T The Collector
- T The Day the World Went Away
- T The Downward Spiral
- The Downward Spiral (A Gilded Sickness)
- The Eater of Dreams
- The Four of Us Are Dying
- T The Fragile
- The Frail
- T The Good Soldier
- T The Great Below
- T The Great Destroyer
- T The Greater Good
- T The Hand That Feeds
- T The Idea of You
- T The Line Begins to Blur
- T The Lovers
- The Mark Has Been Made
- T The New Flesh
- The Only Time
- The Orb
- T The Perfect Drug
- T The Warning
- T The Wretched
- T This Isn't the Place
- T Throw This Away
- Underneath the Skin
- T Various Methods of Escape
- T Vessel
- T We're in This Together
- T While I'm Still Here
- T Wish
- T With Teeth
- T You Know What You Are?
- T Zero-Sum
Bad Witch
Add Violence
Not the Actual Events
Seed Eight
- 1 Hot Chip
- 2 Cold Cave
- 3 Copy of a
- 4 Everything
Hesitation Marks
- 1 The Eater of Dreams
- 2 Copy of a
- 3 Came Back Haunted
- 4 Find My Way
- 5 All Time Low
- 6 Disappointed
- 7 Everything
- 8 Satellite
- 9 Various Methods of Escape
- 10 Running
- 11 I Would for You
- 12 In Two
- 13 While I'm Still Here
- 14 Black Noise
Live 2013
Came Back Haunted
Copy of a
Ghosts I–IV
- 1 1 Ghosts I
- 2 2 Ghosts I
- 3 3 Ghosts I
- 4 4 Ghosts I
- 5 5 Ghosts I
- 6 6 Ghosts I
- 7 7 Ghosts I
- 8 8 Ghosts I
- 9 9 Ghosts I
- 10 10 Ghosts II
- 11 11 Ghosts II
- 12 12 Ghosts II
- 13 13 Ghosts II
- 14 14 Ghosts II
- 15 15 Ghosts II
- 16 16 Ghosts II
- 17 17 Ghosts II
- 18 18 Ghosts II
- 19 19 Ghosts III
- 20 20 Ghosts III
- 21 21 Ghosts III
- 22 22 Ghosts III
- 23 23 Ghosts III
- 24 24 Ghosts III
- 25 25 Ghosts III
- 26 26 Ghosts III
- 27 27 Ghosts III
- 28 28 Ghosts IV
- 29 29 Ghosts IV
- 30 30 Ghosts IV
- 31 31 Ghosts IV
- 32 32 Ghosts IV
- 33 33 Ghosts IV
- 34 34 Ghosts IV
- 35 35 Ghosts IV
- 36 36 Ghosts IV
The Slip
- 1 999,999
- 2 1,000,000
- 3 Letting You
- 4 Discipline
- 5 Echoplex
- 6 Head Down
- 7 Lights in the Sky
- 8 Corona Radiata
- 9 The Four of Us Are Dying
- 10 Demon Seed
Year Zero
Capital G
Every Day Is Exactly the Same
With Teeth
- 1 Only
The Hand That Feeds
And All That Could Have Been
- 1 Terrible Lie
- 2 Sin
- 3 March of the Pigs
- 4 Piggy
- 5 The Frail
- 6 The Wretched
- 7 Gave Up
- 8 La Mer
- 9 The Great Below
- 10 The Mark Has Been Made
- 11 Wish
- 12 Complication
- 13 Suck
- 14 Closer
- 15 Head Like a Hole
- 16 Just Like You Imagined
- 17 Starfuckers, Inc.
- 18 Hurt
Into the Void
The Fragile
The Day the World Went Away
We're in This Together
The Perfect Drug
The Perfect Drug
Dead Souls
- 1 Falling
- 2 Suck
- 3 Dead Souls
- 4 Pulse
- 5 Drive Her Down
- 6 Burn
- 7 First Born
- 8 Down It
- 9 Death Factory
- 1 Burn
The Downward Spiral
- 1 Mr. Self Destruct
- 2 Piggy
- 3 Heresy
- 4 March of the Pigs
- 5 Closer
- 6 Ruiner
- 7 The Becoming
- 8 I Do Not Want This
- 9 Big Man with a Gun
- 10 A Warm Place
- 11 Eraser
- 12 Reptile
- 13 The Downward Spiral
- 14 Hurt
March of the Pigs
- 1 Pinion
- 2 Wish
- 3 Last
- 4 Help Me I Am in Hell
- 5 Happiness in Slavery
- 6 Gave Up
- 7 Adam and the Ants
- 8 Pigface
Head Like a Hole
- 1 Sin
- 2 Sin
- 3 Get Down, Make Love
- 4 Sin
Pretty Hate Machine
Down in It
- 1 Down In It
- 2 Down In It
- 3 Down In It