Moby Grape akordy a texty písní
- 8:05
- Come In The Morning
- Fall On You
- Marmalade
- Motorcycle Irene
- Murder In My Heart For The Judge
- Captain Nemo
- Changes
- Sitting By The Window
- Omaha
- Naked, If I Want To
- I Am Not Willing
- Three-four
- Miller's Blues
- Indifference
- Open Up Your Heart
- Never
- Must Be Goin' Now Dear
- Naked If I Want To
- Roundhouse Blues
- Rounder
- Rose Coloured Eyes
- Rose Colored Eyes
- Now I Know High
- Seeeing
- Road to the Sun
- Ode to the Man at the End of the Bar
- Right Before My Eyes
- Reprise
- Ooh Mama Ooh
- 8-05
- T 8:05
- About Time
- After All
- T Ain't That A Shame
- Ain’t That a Shame
- American Dream
- Apocalypse
- T Beautiful Is Beautiful
- Better Day
- Big
- T Bitter Wind
- Bitter Wind (Version One)
- Black Currant Jam
- Boysenberry Jam
- T Can't Be So Bad
- Can’t Be so Bad
- T Captain Nemo
- City Lights
- Cockatoo Blues
- T Come In The Morning
- Cuttin' In
- T Fall On You
- Goin’ Down to Texas
- T Going Nowhere
- Gypsy Wedding
- Hard Road To Follow
- He
- Here I Sit
- T Hey Grandma
- Honky Tonk
- T Hoochie
- T Horse out in the Rain
- T Changes
- Changes Circles Spinning
- T Changes, Circles Spinning
- Changes, Circles, Spinning
- Chinese Song
- T I Am Not Willing
- I Didn't Lie To You
- I’m Not Willing
- I’m the Kind of Man, That Baby You Can Trust
- T If You Can't Learn From My Mistakes
- T Indifference
- T It's A Beautiful Day Today
- It’s a Beautiful Day Today
- Just Like Gene Autry; A Foxtrot
- Just Like Gene Autry: Fox Trot
- T Looper
- Loosely Remembered
- Lost Horizon
- T Love Song
- Love Song, Part Two
- Love You So Much
- T Marmalade
- T Miller's Blues
- Miller's Blues / Omaha
- Motocycle Irene
- T Motorcycle Irene
- T Mr. Blues
- T Murder In My Heart For The Judge
- Must Be Goin' Now Dear
- Naked If I Want To
- T Naked, If I Want To
- T Never
- T Now I Know High
- Ode to the Man at the End of the Bar
- T Omaha
- Ooh Mama Ooh
- T Open Up Your Heart
- Queen Of The Crow
- Reprise
- T Right Before My Eyes
- Road to the Sun
- Rose Colored Eyes
- Rose Coloured Eyes
- Rounder
- Roundhouse Blues
- Seeeing
- T Seeing
- Set Me Down Easy
- Silver Wheels
- Sitting And Watching
- T Sitting By The Window
- Skip's Song
- T Soul Stew
- Stop
- Suzzam
- Sweet Ride (Never Again)
- That Lost Horizon
- The Lake
- The Place And The Time
- T The Place And Time
- Think It Over
- T Three-four
- Tongue-Tied
- Too Old To Boogie
- T Treat Me Bad
- Trucking Man
- Truly Fine Cititzen
- T Truly Fine Citizen
- Up In The Air
- T What's To Choose
- What’s to Choose
- Wild Oats Moan
- You Can Do Anything
- You Got Everything I Need
- Your Rider
Wow / Grape Jam
- 1 The Place And The Time
- 2 Murder In My Heart For The Judge
- 3 Bitter Wind
- 4 Can't Be So Bad
- 5 Just Like Gene Autry; A Foxtrot
- 6 He
- 7 Motocycle Irene
- 8 Three-four
- 10 Rose Colored Eyes
- 11 Miller's Blues
- 12 Naked, If I Want To
- 13 Never
- 14 Boysenberry Jam
- 15 Black Currant Jam
- 16 Marmalade
- 17 The Lake
Live At Stony Brook University, NY, October 22nd 1968
The Place And The Time
- 1 Indifference
- 3 Stop
- 5 Sweet Ride (Never Again)
- 6 Loosely Remembered
- 7 The Place And Time
- 8 Bitter Wind
- 9 Seeing
- 12 If You Can't Learn From My Mistakes
- 13 You Can Do Anything
- 14 Skip's Song
- 15 It's A Beautiful Day Today
- 16 What's To Choose
- 17 Hoochie
- 18 Big
- 19 Rounder
- 20 Miller's Blues
- 21 Changes
- 22 Looper
- 23 Soul Stew
- 24 Cockatoo Blues
Listen My Friends! The Best Of Moby Grape
- 1 Hey Grandma
- 2 Mr. Blues
- 3 8:05
- 4 Omaha
- 5 Sitting By The Window
- 6 Indifference
- 7 Bitter Wind
- 8 Murder In My Heart For The Judge
- 9 Can't Be So Bad
- 10 He
- 11 Motocycle Irene
- 12 Rose Colored Eyes
- 13 Sweet Ride (Never Again)
- 14 Ooh Mama Ooh
- 15 Ain't That A Shame
- 16 If You Can't Learn From My Mistakes
- 17 Going Nowhere
- 18 Seeeing
- 19 Changes, Circles Spinning
- 20 Truly Fine Citizen
Listen My Friends!
- 1 Hey Grandma
- 2 Mr. Blues
- 3 8:05
- 4 Omaha
- 5 Sitting By The Window
- 6 Indifference
- 7 Bitter Wind (Version One)
- 8 Murder In My Heart For The Judge
- 9 Can't Be So Bad
- 10 He
- 11 Motorcycle Irene
- 12 Rose Colored Eyes
- 13 Sweet Ride (Never Again)
- 14 Ooh Mama Ooh
- 15 Ain't That A Shame
- 16 If You Can't Learn From My Mistakes
- 17 Going Nowhere
- 18 Seeing
- 19 Changes, Circles Spinning
- 20 Truly Fine Citizen
Crosstalk: The Best Of Moby Grape
- 1 Hey Grandma
- 2 Fall On You
- 3 8:05
- 4 Come In The Morning
- 5 Omaha
- 6 Rounder
- 7 Changes
- 8 Murder In My Heart For The Judge
- 9 Bitter Wind
- 10 Can't Be So Bad
- 11 He
- 12 Motocycle Irene
- 13 Ooh Mama Ooh
- 14 Ain't That A Shame
- 15 Captain Nemo
- 16 What's To Choose
- 17 Going Nowhere
- 18 I Am Not Willing
- 19 It's A Beautiful Day Today
- 20 Right Before My Eyes
- 21 Changes, Circles Spinning
- 22 Truly Fine Citizen
- 23 Looper
- 24 Hoochie
Crosstalk - The Best Of
- 1 Hey Grandma
- 2 Fall On You
- 3 8-05
- 4 Come In The Morning
- 5 Omaha
- 6 Rounder
- 7 Changes
- 8 Murder In My Heart For The Judge
- 9 Bitter Wind
- 10 Can’t Be so Bad
- 11 He
- 12 Motorcycle Irene
- 13 Ooh Mama Ooh
- 14 Ain’t That a Shame
- 15 Captain Nemo
- 16 What’s to Choose
- 17 Going Nowhere
- 18 I’m Not Willing
- 19 It’s a Beautiful Day Today
- 20 Right Before My Eyes
- 21 Changes, Circles, Spinning
- 22 Truly Fine Cititzen
- 23 Looper
- 24 Hoochie
- 2 Mr. Blues
- 3 Fall On You
- 4 8:05
- 5 Come In The Morning
- 7 Naked, If I Want To
- 11 Sitting By The Window
- 13 LAZY ME
- 14 Indifference
- 15 Looper
- 16 Sweet Ride (Never Again)
- 18 The Place And Time
- 19 Rounder
- 20 Miller's Blues
- 21 Changes
- 22 Hey Grandma
- 23 Omaha
- 24 Big
- 25 Skip's Song
- 26 You Can Do Anything
- 27 Murder In My Heart For The Judge
- 28 Bitter Wind
- 29 Can't Be So Bad
- 30 Just Like Gene Autry: Fox Trot
- 31 He
- 32 Motocycle Irene
- 34 Rose Colored Eyes
- 35 If You Can't Learn From My Mistakes
- 36 Ooh Mama Ooh
- 37 Ain't That A Shame
- 38 Trucking Man
- 39 Captain Nemo
- 40 What's To Choose
- 41 Going Nowhere
- 42 I Am Not Willing
- 43 It's A Beautiful Day Today
- 44 Right Before My Eyes
- 45 Truly Fine Citizen
- 46 Hoochie
- 47 Soul Stew
- 48 Seeeing
Murder In My Heart
Moby Grape "1984 Reunion"
Live Grape
20 Granite Creek
Great Grape
Truly Fine Citizen
Introducing Moby Grape
Grape Jam
- 1 Never
- 2 Boysenberry Jam
- 3 Black Currant Jam
- 4 Marmalade
- 5 The Lake
Moby Grape 69'
Moby Grape
- 1 Hey Grandma
- 2 Mr. Blues
- 3 Fall On You
- 4 8:05
- 5 Come In The Morning
- 6 Omaha
- 7 Naked, If I Want To
- 10 Sitting By The Window
- 11 Changes
- 12 LAZY ME
- 13 Indifference
Omaha / Someday
Omaha / Hey Grandma
- 1 Omaha
- 2 Hey Grandma