Major Accident akordy a texty písní
- Hokey Cokey
- Fight to Win
- Leaders of Tomorrow
- Better Off Without You
- Hokey Cokey (Live)
- Sorry
- Cue the Dead
- Camouflage
- Respectable
- People
- Warboots
- Nightmare
- Lies
- Dayo (live)
- Wired
- Your Worst Enemy
- Crazy
- Wasted Life
- That's You
- M.C.E.
- Snap
- The Ultimate High
- The Man On The Wall
- Twisted Mind
- M.C.E. (live)
- Oxo Song
- A Clockwork Legion
- Man On The Wall (B side)
- Thats You
- Man on the Wall
- (Standing on The) Sidelines
- T (They're Gonna) Kick to Kill
- A Clockwork Legion
- A Clockwork Legion I.Intro II. The March
- Afflication
- Affliction
- Alternative Ulster
- T Bad Co.
- T Bad Company
- Band Played On
- T Better Off Without You
- Black and White
- Blitzkrieg Bop
- Borstal Breakout
- T Breakaway
- Breakaway (B side)
- Breakaway (Live)
- T Brides of the Beast
- Bridge Of The Beast
- Bridges of the Beast (live)
- Camouflage
- Classified Information
- T Clockwork Toys
- T Crazy
- T Cue the Dead
- Cue The Dead (live)
- Dayo
- Dayo (B side)
- Dayo (live)
- T Fight to Win
- Fight to Win (live)
- T Freeman
- Freeman (B side)
- Freeman (live)
- T Gang Warfare
- T Garageland
- Get Ready
- Glorious 9th
- Headbanger
- Headbanger (live)
- Headline Story
- T Hokey Cokey
- Hokey Cokey (Live)
- In the World Today
- T Joy Rider
- Last Night
- Leaders
- T Leaders of Tomorrow
- T Lies
- M.C.E.
- M.C.E. (live)
- T Man on the Wall
- Man On The Wall (B side)
- Middle Class Entertainment
- Mr Nobody
- T Mr. Nobody
- Mr. Nobody (live)
- T Nightmare
- Oxo
- Oxo Song
- People
- People Like You
- T Pervert
- Psycho
- T Respectable
- Self Appointed Hero
- Sherwood Rangers
- Schizo
- T Schizophrenic
- T Snap
- T Sorry
- Sorry (We Can't Help You)
- Standing on the Sidelines
- T Stay Away From Me
- Suzy Is a Headbanger
- T Terrorist Gang
- That's You
- Thats You
- The Glorious 9th
- T The Man On The Wall
- The Radio Interview
- T The Ultimate High
- T Twisted Mind
- T Valerie
- Vendetta
- T Warboots
- Warboots (live)
- Wasted Life
- White Riot
- White Riot (live)
- T Wired
- T Your Worst Enemy
The Clockwork Demos
- 1 Terrorist Gang
- 2 Standing on the Sidelines
- 3 People Like You
- 4 Suzy Is a Headbanger
- 5 Headline Story
- 6 That's You
- 7 Self Appointed Hero
- 8 Black and White
- 9 Wasted Life
- 10 White Riot
- 11 Alternative Ulster
- 12 Borstal Breakout
- 13 Oxo Song
- 14 In the World Today
- 15 Blitzkrieg Bop
- 16 Garageland
- 17 Crazy
- 18 The Radio Interview
The Ultimate High
- 1 Wired
- 2 The Ultimate High
- 3 Better Off Without You
- 4 Stay Away From Me
- 5 Lies
- 6 Your Worst Enemy
- 7 Pervert
- 8 Nightmare
- 9 (They're Gonna) Kick to Kill
- 10 Gang Warfare
- 11 Joy Rider
- 12 Snap
- 13 Crazy
Clockwork Heroes
- 1 Warboots
- 2 Terrorist Gang
- 3 Mr Nobody
- 4 Thats You
- 5 Schizophrenic
- 6 Bridge Of The Beast
- 7 Clockwork Toys
- 8 Fight to Win
- 9 Freeman
- 10 Leaders of Tomorrow
- 11 Dayo
- 12 Breakaway
- 13 Glorious 9th
- 14 Twisted Mind
- 15 Cue the Dead
- 16 Sorry
- 17 Bad Company
- 18 Respectable
- 19 Man on the Wall
- 20 Crazy
- 21 Valerie
- 22 Band Played On
- 23 Sherwood Rangers
Tortured Tunes
- 1 Cue the Dead
- 2 Fight to Win
- 3 Brides of the Beast
- 4 Schizo
- 5 Freeman
- 6 Mr. Nobody
- 7 Sorry
- 8 Respectable
- 9 Bad Co.
- 10 M.C.E.
- 11 Warboots
- 12 White Riot
- 13 Oxo
- 14 Hokey Cokey
- 15 Breakaway
- 16 Headbanger
- 17 Dayo
Crazy / Tortured Tunes
- 1 Crazy
- 2 Get Ready
- 3 Valerie
- 4 Camouflage
- 5 Band Played On
- 6 Sherwood Rangers
- 7 Bad Co.
- 8 Leaders
- 9 Sorry
- 10 The Man On The Wall
- 11 Respectable
- 12 Twisted Mind
- 13 Cue the Dead
- 14 Cue The Dead (live)
- 15 Fight to Win (live)
- 16 Bridges of the Beast (live)
- 17 Freeman (live)
- 18 Mr. Nobody (live)
- 19 M.C.E. (live)
- 20 Warboots (live)
- 21 White Riot (live)
- 22 Hokey Cokey (Live)
- 23 Breakaway (Live)
- 24 Headbanger (live)
- 25 Dayo (live)
Pneumatic Pneurosis
- 1 Mr Nobody
- 2 Fight to Win
- 3 Leaders of Tomorrow
- 4 Respectable
- 5 The Glorious 9th
- 6 That's You
- 7 Freeman
- 8 Dayo
- 9 Breakaway
- 10 The Man On The Wall
Massacred Melodies / A Clockwork Legion
- 1 Schizophrenic
- 2 (Standing on The) Sidelines
- 3 Last Night
- 4 Psycho
- 5 People
- 6 Terrorist Gang
- 7 Warboots
- 8 Mr. Nobody
- 9 Self Appointed Hero
- 10 That's You
- 11 Brides of the Beast
- 12 Classified Information
- 13 Middle Class Entertainment
- 14 Clockwork Toys
- 15 Respectable
- 16 Twisted Mind
- 17 Affliction
- 18 Cue the Dead
- 19 Leaders of Tomorrow
- 20 A Clockwork Legion
- 21 Sorry (We Can't Help You)
- 22 Fight to Win
- 23 Vendetta
Massacred Melodies
A Clockwork Legion