Lyriel akordy a texty písní
- Conclusion
- Numbers
- The Road not Taken
- Wild Birds
- Hijo de la Luna
- Memoria
- Skin and Bones
- Dream Within A Dream
- The Singing Nightingale
- The Promised Land
- Welcome
- Parting
- The Wolf
- Regen
- Voices in my Head
- Side by Side
- Autumntales
- Fairyland
- Your Eyes
- Astray
- Opening
- Falling Skies
- Lind E-huil
- My Favourite Dream
- Leverage
- Black And White
- Prisonworld
- Running In Our Blood
- Dust To Dust
- The Crown of the Twilight
- T Another Time
- T Astray
- T Aus der Tiefe
- T Autumntales
- T Black And White
- T Conclusion
- T Day in June
- T Days Had Just Begun
- T Days of Yore
- T Der Weg
- T Dream Within A Dream
- T Dust To Dust
- T Elderberry and Lavender
- T Enchanted Moonlight
- T Fairyland
- T Falling Skies
- T Fate of Knowledge
- T First Autumn Days
- T Foeman's Bride
- T Hijo de la Luna
- T Last Autumn Days
- T Leverage
- T Like a Feather in the Wind
- T Lind E-huil
- T Lullaby
- T Memoria
- T My Favourite Dream
- T My Unawakened Soul
- T Numbers
- T Opening
- T Paranoid Circus
- T Parting
- T Prisonworld
- T Regen
- T Repentance
- T Running In Our Blood
- T Side by Side
- T Skin and Bones
- T So Long, My Love
- T Surrender in Dance
- T Symmetry of Disfiguration
- T The Crown of the Twilight
- T The Judgement of My Harvest Heart
- T The Promised Land
- T The Regret
- T The Road not Taken
- T The Singing Nightingale
- T The Spring and the Flight
- T The Way to Nowhere
- T The Wheel of Fortuna
- T The Wolf
- T There's a Rainbow in the Rain
- T Voices in my Head
- T Welcome
- T Wenn die Engel fallen
- T When it's Coming to an End...
- T Wild Birds
- T Worth The Fight
- T Your Eyes
Skin and Bones
- 1 Numbers
- 2 Numbers
- 3 Falling Skies
- 4 Skin and Bones
- 5 Black And White
- 6 Days Had Just Begun
- 7 Your Eyes
- 8 Your Eyes
- 9 Dust To Dust
- 10 Der Weg
- 11 Astray
- 12 Worth The Fight
- 13 Running In Our Blood
- 14 Dream Within A Dream
- 15 Black And White
- 1 Numbers
Paranoid Circus