Klaxons akordy a texty písní
- Twin Flames
- Echoes
- Two Receivers
- Atlantis to Interzone
- Totem on the Timeline
- There Is No Other Time
- As Above, So Below
- Gravity's Rainbow
- It's Not Over Yet
- Extra Astronomical
- Hall of Records
- Children of the Sun
- Forgotten Works
- Isle of Her
- The Bouncer
- Magick
- Valley of the Calm Trees
- Flashover
- Surfing the Void
- Golden Skans
- Venusia
- Cypherspeed
- Four Horsemen of 2012
- The Same Space
- Future Memories
- Tasty
- Stress
- Ride Baby Ride
- Breakbeat Metal Music
- It Doesn't Matter
- Artology
- T As Above, So Below
- T Atlantis to Interzone
- Audiotonique
- Breakbeat Metal Music
- Breaking Bones
- Butterfly
- T Cypherspeed
- Dry
- T Echoes
- T Extra Astronomical
- T Flashover
- T Forgotten Works
- T Four Horsemen of 2012
- T Future Memories
- T Golden Skans
- T Gravity's Rainbow
- T Hall of Records
- T Children of the Sun
- T Isle of Her
- It Doesn't Matter
- T It's Not Over Yet
- T Magick
- Moon Unit Part 1
- T My Love
- Ride Baby Ride
- Shooting Tigers
- Sorcerer City
- Stress
- T Surfing the Void
- Tasty
- T The Bouncer
- T The Same Space
- T There Is No Other Time
- T Totem on the Timeline
- T Twin Flames
- T Two Receivers
- T Valley of the Calm Trees
- T Venusia
There Is No Other Time
Surfing the Void
- 1 Echoes
- 2 Sorcerer City
Twin Flames
Myths of the Near Future
A Bugged Out Mix by Klaxons
- 1 Breakbeat Metal Music
- 2 Tasty
- 3 Butterfly
- 4 Shooting Tigers
- 5 Artology
- 6 Dry
- 7 Breaking Bones
- 8 Ride Baby Ride
- 9 Audiotonique
- 10 It Doesn't Matter
- 11 Stress
- 12 Moon Unit Part 1
- 13 It's Not Over Yet
Golden Skans
It's Not Over Yet
Atlantis to Interzone
- 1 Magick
- 2 Hall of Records
- 3 Magick
Gravity's Rainbow