Joy Division akordy a texty písní
- Love Will Tear Us Apart
- The Kill
- Disorder
- Atmosphere
- Disorder Chords
- Shadowplay
- Transmission
- New Dawn Fades
- Heart and Soul
- She's Lost Control
- Insight
- Colony
- Warsaw
- Isolation
- Twenty Four Hours
- Means to an End
- Passover
- Something Must Break
- Dead Souls
- A Means To An End
- Novelty
- No Love Lost
- Day of the Lords
- Atmosphere Chords
- The Eternal
- Ice Age
- Candidate
- Leaders of Men
- Sister Ray
- The Drawback
- T 24 Hours
- A Means To An End
- As You Said
- T At A Later Date
- T Atmosphere
- T Atmosphere [by =-28-=]
- Atmosphere Chords
- T Atrocity Exhibition
- Auto Suggestion
- T Autosuggestion
- Bernard Sumner Interview
- Bizarre Love Triangle
- Blue Monday
- T Candidate
- T Ceremony
- T Colony
- Crystal
- Curtis, Hannett, Gretton Interplay, Chit Chat and Cup Smashing
- T Day of the Lords
- T Dead Souls
- T Decades
- T Digital
- T Disorder
- Disorder Chords
- T Exercise One
- T Failures
- Fine Time
- T From Safety to Where...?
- T Glass
- T Gutz
- Hannett Speaks
- Hannett's Lift Recording 1
- T Heart and Soul
- Hellbent
- T I Remember Nothing
- Ian Curtis & Stephen Morris interviewed by Richard Skinner
- Ian Curtis Interview
- T Ice Age
- T In A Lonely Place
- Incubation
- T Inside The Line
- T Insight
- T Interzone
- T Isolation
- Keyboard Doodles
- T Komakino
- Krafty
- T Leaders of Men
- Lift Recording 2
- T Living in the Ice Age
- Love Will Tear Us Apart
- Martin Hannett Interview
- T Means to an End
- N4
- N4 (Vers. 2)
- N4 Europop
- T New Dawn Fades
- T No Love Lost
- T Novelty
- Number False Start 1
- Number False Start 2
- T Passover
- Regret
- T Shadowplay
- T She's Lost Control
- T Sister Ray
- T Something Must Break
- T Sound of Music
- Steve Morris And Ian Curtis Interview
- Synth Tone
- Temptation
- T The Drawback
- T The Eternal
- The Eternal (Vers. 2)
- T The Kill
- T The Only Mistake
- The Perfect Kiss
- T The Sound of Music
- T These Days
- T They Walked in Line
- Thieves Like Us
- T Transmission
- True Faith
- T Twenty Four Hours
- T Walked in Line
- T Warsaw
- T Wilderness
- World in Motion
- T You're No Good For Me
Total: From Joy Division to New Order
- 1 Transmission
- 2 Love Will Tear Us Apart
- 3 Isolation
- 4 She's Lost Control
- 5 Atmosphere
- 6 Ceremony
- 7 Temptation
- 8 Blue Monday
- 9 Thieves Like Us
- 10 The Perfect Kiss
- 11 Bizarre Love Triangle
- 12 True Faith
- 13 Fine Time
- 14 World in Motion
- 15 Regret
- 16 Crystal
- 17 Krafty
- 18 Hellbent
The Best of Joy Division
- 1 Digital
- 2 Disorder
- 3 Shadowplay
- 4 New Dawn Fades
- 5 Transmission
- 6 Atmosphere
- 7 Dead Souls
- 8 She's Lost Control
- 9 Love Will Tear Us Apart
- 10 These Days
- 11 Twenty Four Hours
- 12 Heart and Soul
- 13 Incubation
- 14 Isolation
Martin Hannett's Personal Mixes
- 1 Synth Tone
- 2 Hannett's Lift Recording 1
- 3 Keyboard Doodles
- 4 Lift Recording 2
- 5 Number False Start 1
- 6 Curtis, Hannett, Gretton Interplay, Chit Chat and Cup Smashing
- 7 Hannett Speaks
- 8 Number False Start 2
- 9 From Safety to Where...?
- 10 Autosuggestion
- 11 Heart and Soul
- 12 N4 Europop
- 13 24 Hours
- 14 Passover
- 15 N4
- 16 N4 (Vers. 2)
- 17 The Eternal
- 18 The Eternal (Vers. 2)
Let the Movie Begin
- 1 Love Will Tear Us Apart
- 2 Ian Curtis Interview
- 3 Leaders of Men
- 4 Steve Morris And Ian Curtis Interview
- 5 Failures
- 6 Ian Curtis Interview
- 7 No Love Lost
- 8 Martin Hannett Interview
- 9 At A Later Date
- 10 Ian Curtis Interview
- 11 Ice Age
- 12 Steve Morris And Ian Curtis Interview
- 13 Shadowplay
- 14 Ian Curtis Interview
- 15 Passover
- 16 Martin Hannett Interview
- 17 Transmission
- 18 Steve Morris And Ian Curtis Interview
- 19 New Dawn Fades
- 20 Ian Curtis Interview
- 21 Digital
- 22 Bernard Sumner Interview
- 23 Colony
- 24 Ian Curtis Interview
- 25 Auto Suggestion
- 26 Dead Souls
Les Bains Douches 18 December 1979
- 1 Disorder
- 2 Love Will Tear Us Apart
- 3 Insight
- 4 Shadowplay
- 5 Transmission
- 6 Day of the Lords
- 7 Twenty Four Hours
- 8 These Days
- 9 A Means To An End
- 10 Passover
- 11 New Dawn Fades
- 12 Atrocity Exhibition
- 13 Digital
- 14 Dead Souls
- 15 Autosuggestion
- 16 Atmosphere
Joy Division The Complete BBC Recordings
Preston 28 February 1980
- 1 Incubation
- 2 Wilderness
- 3 Twenty Four Hours
- 4 The Eternal
- 5 Heart and Soul
- 6 Shadowplay
- 7 Transmission
- 8 Disorder
- 9 Warsaw
- 10 Colony
- 11 Interzone
- 12 She's Lost Control
Heart and Soul
- 1 Digital
- 2 Glass
- 3 Disorder
- 4 Day of the Lords
- 5 Candidate
- 6 Insight
- 7 New Dawn Fades
- 8 She's Lost Control
- 9 Shadowplay
- 10 Wilderness
- 11 Interzone
- 12 I Remember Nothing
- 13 Ice Age
- 14 Exercise One
- 15 Transmission
- 16 Novelty
- 17 The Kill
- 18 The Only Mistake
- 19 Something Must Break
- 20 Autosuggestion
- 21 From Safety to Where...?
- 1 The Drawback
- 2 Leaders of Men
- 3 They Walked in Line
- 4 Failures
- 5 Novelty
- 6 No Love Lost
- 7 Transmission
- 8 Living in the Ice Age
- 9 Interzone
- 10 Warsaw
- 11 Shadowplay
- 12 As You Said
The Peel Sessions
The Peel Sessions
- 1 Exercise One
- 2 Ice Age
- 3 The Sound of Music
- 4 Glass
- 5 The Only Mistake
- 6 Walked in Line
- 7 The Kill
- 8 Something Must Break
- 9 Dead Souls
- 10 Sister Ray
- 11 Ceremony
- 12 Shadowplay
- 13 Means to an End
- 14 Passover
- 15 New Dawn Fades
- 16 Twenty Four Hours
- 17 Transmission
- 18 Disorder
- 19 Isolation
- 20 Decades
- 21 Digital
- 1 Atmosphere
- 2 Dead Souls
- 1 Komakino
- 2 Incubation
- 3 As You Said
Licht und Blindheit
- 1 Atmosphere
- 2 Dead Souls
Love Will Tear Us Apart
Unknown Pleasures
- 1 Disorder
- 2 Day of the Lords
- 3 Candidate
- 4 Insight
- 5 New Dawn Fades
- 6 She's Lost Control
- 7 Shadowplay
- 8 Wilderness
- 9 Interzone
- 10 I Remember Nothing
- 1 Transmission
- 2 Novelty
An Ideal for Living
- 1 Warsaw
- 2 No Love Lost
- 3 Leaders of Men
- 4 Failures