Iron Chic akordy a texty písní
- Cutesy Monster Man
- In One Ear
- Time Keeps On Slipping Into The (cosmic) Future
- Bustin' (makes Me Feel Good)
- Cry-baby
- The Worlds Greatest Detective
- Timecop
- Every Town Has An Elm Street
- Know What I Mean Jellybean
- I Always Never Said That
- (i Never Get) Winded
- Black Friday
- (Castle) Numbskull
- Spooky Action at a Distance
- Sounds Like a Pretty Brutal Murder
- Shits/Giggles
- Sensitive Dependence
- Ruinous Calamity
- Prototypes
- Steel Wall Method
- The Old Man Of Crete
- Subhumanoid Meltdown
- The Dreaming and the Waking World
- The End
- Planes, Chest Pains, and Automobiles
- Those Heads Are Our Heads
- Thunderbolts!
- To Shreds, You Say?
- True Miserable Experience
- Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow?
- (Castle) Numbskull
- T (i Never Get) Winded
- 85 E. Cleveland (Plow United)
- A Headache With Pictures
- A Serious House on Serious Earth
- Amazing Fantasy
- Ancient Pistol
- Awes-Nificent
- T Black Friday
- Bogus Journey
- Bonzo Goes to Bitburg
- T Bustin' (makes Me Feel Good)
- Catgut
- Climate Is What We Expect, Weather Is What We Get
- T Cry-baby
- T Cutesy Monster Man
- Dog Bite
- Don't Drive Angry
- Don't Tell Me Stupid, Don't Show Me Fuck You
- Enjoy the Silence
- T Every Town Has An Elm Street
- Golgotha
- Goofy's Concern
- T I Always Never Said That
- T In One Ear
- Invisible Ink
- Jet Ski
- Kid Icarus
- T Know What I Mean Jellybean
- Know What I Mean, Jellybean?
- L'esprit de L'escalier
- Langoliers
- Less Rest for the Restless
- Let's. Get. Dangerous.
- My Best Friend (Is a Nihilist)
- North Central Positronics
- Planes, Chest Pains, and Automobiles
- Profane Geometry
- Prototypes
- Ruinous Calamity
- Sensitive Dependence
- Shits/Giggles
- Sounds Like a Pretty Brutal Murder
- Spooky Action at a Distance
- Steel Wall Method
- Subhumanoid Meltdown
- The Dreaming and the Waking World
- The End
- The Old Man Of Crete
- T The Worlds Greatest Detective
- Those Heads Are Our Heads
- Thunderbolts!
- T Time Keeps On Slipping Into The (cosmic) Future
- T Timecop
- To Shreds, You Say?
- True Miserable Experience
- Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow?
- Wolf Dix Rd.
- World's Greatest Detective
- You Can't Stay Safe
- Ys
Ancient Pistol
- 1 Catgut
Toys That Kill Split
Live at Little Elephant
You Can't Stay Here
Low Culture Split
The Constant One
Spooky Action
Split N' Shit
Not Like This
Shitty Rambo
Demo '08