Hot Rod Circuit akordy a texty písní
- Gin And Juice
- Vampire
- Stateside
- Irish Car Bomb
- Cool With Me
- Now Or Never
- Radiation Suit
- The Pharmacist
- Sadie Hawkins
- Inhabit
- Get What You Get
- The Best You Ever Knew
- Forgive Me
- Riding A Low
- 45's
- Holding On To Nothing
- Safely
- Very Best Friend
- Cheap Trick
- Achy Breaky Hockey Hair
- Let's Go Home
- Unfaithful
- Consumed By Laziness
- This Is Not The Time Or Place
- Moonlight - Sunlight
- The Night They Blew Up The Moon
- This One's For Randy
- Battleship
- Radio Song
- Remover
- T 45's
- T 6-8
- T Achy Breaky Hockey Hair
- T At Nature's Mercy
- T Battleship
- T Blurry 17
- T Cali
- Camo (*)
- T Consumed By Laziness
- T Cool for One Night
- T Cool With Me
- T Crossbow
- Default Setting
- T Failure
- T Fear the Sound
- Flight 89 (North American)
- T Forgive Me
- T Get What You Get
- T Gin And Juice
- God's Gift to Old Tricks
- T Good Intentions
- Grocery Store
- T Hi-Tech Lip Gloss
- Hi-Tech Lipgloss
- T Holding On To Nothing
- T Cheap Trick
- T Chemistry
- T Chinese Cuts
- T Inhabit
- Into the Sun
- T Irish Car Bomb
- T Knees
- T Let's Go Home
- T Low
- Master Control Program
- T Medicated Lungs
- T Moonlight - Sunlight
- Moonlight-Sunlight
- T Now Or Never
- Patty Hearst Machine Gun
- Power Of Vitamins
- T Radiation Suit
- T Radio Song
- T Remover
- T Riding A Low
- Richard Simmons
- T Richardsimmons
- T Sadie Hawkins
- T Safely
- T Save You
- Sin City
- T Slacker
- T Smithsonian Liver
- T Spit You out
- T Stateside
- Sucked Out
- T Supersad
- T Tell the Truth
- T The Best You Ever Knew
- The Greatest Disappointment
- T The Night They Blew Up The Moon
- T The Pharmacist
- T The Power of the Vitamins
- T This Is Not The Time Or Place
- T This One's For Randy
- T Two Hand Touch
- Understood
- T Unfaithful
- Us Royalty
- T Vampire
- T Ventricle
- T Versatility
- T Very Best Friend
- Visible Distance
- T Weak Warm
- T What We Believe in
- T What's Left Standing
- T You Kill Me
Default Setting
HRC 3 Song
- 1 Forgive Me
- 2 Into the Sun
- 3 Sucked Out
Forgive Me
The Underground Is a Dying Breed
- 1 Stateside
- 2 Vampire
- 3 Battleship
- 4 What We Believe in
- 5 45's
- 6 Holding On To Nothing
- 7 Us Royalty
- 8 Ventricle
- 9 Spit You out
- 10 Cali
- 11 6-8
- 12 Camo (*)
Reality's Coming Through
- 1 Inhabit
- 2 Save You
- 3 Fear the Sound
- 4 Cheap Trick
- 5 Failure
- 6 Tell the Truth
- 7 Unfaithful
- 8 The Best You Ever Knew
- 9 Crossbow
- 10 Riding A Low
- 11 Moonlight-Sunlight
The Pharmacist
Sorry About Tomorrow
Been There, Smoked That
If It's Cool with You, It's Cool with Me
This Year's Model / Hot Rod Circuit
If I Knew What I Knew Then
- 1 Weak Warm
- 2 Irish Car Bomb
- 3 Slacker
- 4 Remover
- 5 Chemistry
- 6 Medicated Lungs
- 7 Achy Breaky Hockey Hair
- 8 Good Intentions
- 9 Chinese Cuts
- 10 Low
Hot Rod Circuit