Grave Declaration akordy a texty písní
- Come, Let Us Speak
- Jeg Er Frelst, Å For En Nåde
- Hardest Rocking God of All Time
- To My Redeemer
- Change Of Heart
- Ærefrykt
- Fall Down
- Legacy
- Your Beauty Embraced
- In the Throne Room
- Silence
- Reach for the Sky
- Lamentation
- Interlude
- Jeg Er Frelst, Ã: For En Nã¥de
- Instrumental #1
- The Great Exaltation Of The Most Sovereign God
- Ærefrykt
- Ærefrykt
- T Ærefrykt
- T Come, Let Us Speak
- T Fall Down
- T Hardest Rocking God of All Time
- T Change Of Heart
- T In the Throne Room
- Instrumental #1
- Interlude
- T Jeg Er Frelst, Å For En Nåde
- Jeg Er Frelst, Ã: For En Nã¥de
- T Lamentation
- T Legacy
- T Reach for the Sky
- T Silence
- The Great Exaltation Of The Most Sovereign God
- T To My Redeemer
- T Your Beauty Embraced