Girl in a Coma akordy a texty písní
- Bb
- Their Cell
- Vino
- For What It's Worth
- Sybil Vane Was Ill
- Static Mind
- In The Background
- Road To Home
- Cemetery Baby
- Come On, Let's Go
- Adjust
- Control
- Clumsy Sky
- Smart
- Si Una Vez
- As The World Falls Down
- Baby Boy
- She Had A Plan
- While My Guitar Gently Weeps
- So
- El Monte
- Transmission
- Knocking At Your Door
- Femme Fatal
- Sly
- In The Day
- The Photographer
- One Eyed Fool
- Say
- Consider
- A Conversation
- T Adjust
- T As The World Falls Down
- B.B.
- T Baby Boy
- T Bb
- Both Before And Gone
- T Celibate Now
- T Cemetery Baby
- T Clumsy Sky
- T Come On, Let's Go
- Come On, Lets Go
- T Consider
- T Control
- Davey
- T El Monte
- Empty Promises
- T Femme Fatal
- Femme fatale
- T For What It's Worth
- Heatwave
- Hope
- T I'll Ask Him
- T In The Background
- T In The Day
- Joanie in the City
- T Knocking At Your Door
- T Mother's Lullaby
- T Mr. Chivalry
- T One Eyed Fool
- Only I
- Photographer
- T Pink Lemonade
- Please Please Please Let Me Get What I Want
- T Pleasure and Pain
- T Race Car Driver
- T Road To Home
- T Say
- T She Had A Plan
- T Si Una Vez
- T Simple Man
- T Slaughter Lane
- T Sly
- T Smart
- T So
- T Static Mind
- T Sybil Vane Was Ill
- T The Photographer
- T Their Cell
- T Trail
- T Transmission
- Ven Cerca
- T Vino
- Walkin' After Midnight
- T While My Guitar Gently Weeps
- Yo Oigo
- 1 Heatwave
Exits & All the Rest
- 1 Adjust
- 2 One Eyed Fool
- 3 Smart
- 4 She Had A Plan
- 5 So
- 6 Cemetery Baby
- 7 Knocking At Your Door
- 8 Hope
- 9 Control
- 10 Sly
- 11 Mother's Lullaby
- 12 Davey
- 1 Smart
Adventures In Coverland
Hiding My Trail
- 1 Only I
- 2 A Conversation
Adventures In Coverland, Vol. 2
Adventures in Coverland, Vol. 3
Adventures in Coverland, Vol. 1
Trio BC
- 1 Bb
- 2 Static Mind
- 3 Vino
- 4 Baby Boy
- 5 El Monte
- 6 In The Day
- 7 Slaughter Lane
- 8 Trail
- 9 Pleasure and Pain
- 10 Joanie in the City
- 11 Pink Lemonade
- 12 Empty Promises
- 13 Ven Cerca
Both Before I'm Gone
- 1 Clumsy Sky
- 2 Say
- 3 Road To Home
- 4 Sybil Vane Was Ill
- 5 I'll Ask Him
- 6 Their Cell
- 7 In The Background
- 8 Mr. Chivalry
- 9 Race Car Driver
- 10 Consider
- 11 Celibate Now
- 12 Photographer
- 13 Simple Man
Clumsy Sky
Girl In A Coma Demo