
Forgotten Silence

Empty space
Ticking at dusk
Bulb sleeping under black ceiling
I am looking for time which existed
A room, an old photo from album
It’s drizzling behind windows
On the other side of the glass
Strange streets
Deserted bee-hives
And people without eyes and lips
Walk with bags on pavements
In strings of rain drops
There’s dark-brown autumn
Dirtiness is spreading
And loneliness frightened me to death
Wet leaves make me mad
Pillars of smoke rising from sewers
Supporting frowning fog
Not to let it fall down onto my head
Not to let it fall apart to millions of words
The only man on the earth
I know nobody and nothing
I don’t belong anywhere
I dream of unreality

I see no more than two steps
before my nose
It’s my bad luck
I miss wings of migratory birds
I won’t fly the whole distance
to the equator with them
And the African sun
will go to sleep without me

I don’t expect
the moon will come down to my window
And I will hear her silver fairy tale
And I don’t believe in the smile
and days of new strength
I don’t know
where the cold sea ends and begins

I will never grasp which direction to take
I don’t know
its coordinates and day and time
I may not rise from dust
I may not come to meet the long shining pier
I don’t live in your dream and day light
And I don’t see the sun above my head
any more
I am perfectly paralyzed...

I am a rain drop sliding down
the glass airports of airport windows
Running down eaves,
dancing on pavements
till I fall down exhausted
I am a melancholic tear from black clouds,
I am everywhere when it rains
I will set flickering bus lights out of focus
and will get on without waiting in rain
I envy people sitting behind windows,
laughing and clinking glasses
I listen to buzzing radio,
dreaming that I will live through it really
Rain in the middle
of a city always sounds sadly and lonely
Everything slows down like in fairy tales,
street traffic is made clear and beautiful?
You can breathe more freely
and your heart will ache never more
Only at night...
at night there will be more and more cold,
each day and each night more and more
Till we freeze to death together
like unwelcome first spring blossoms
– will die together forever

This body cannot move
This body doesn’t move
These eyes cannot see
These eyes are blind
What is lying here does not swallow
The rib-cage isn’t rising any more
Something has turned off the switch
There’s silence in the corridors
Drops of water
Cooling scalpel
Metal snakes under ceilings
Water mirrors
It’s just a jigsaw puzzle
A handful of components
Lying here plainly
Completed by somebody
Lead by mood and taste
And sensibility and liking
This body doesn’t move
These eyes are blind
I am perfectly paralyzed...