Forever Slave akordy a texty písní
- Hate
- The Lovers
- Black Roses in my Tomb
- Reminiscences
- She Loves Her
- Lunatic Asylum
- In the Forest
- Across the Mirror
- Beyond Death's Embrace
- Larmes et Roses
- Intro
- Equilibrium
- The Circles of Tenebra
- Afterlife
- Gasoline
- GothiX Girls
- Tristeza
- Erzébet Báthory's Song
- Our Story
- Requiem: Funeral of the Lost Soul
- The Letter
- Dickhead!
- Overture: The Dark Secret Misteries in Carpathians
- Aquelarre
- Mar
- Ophelia's Eyes
- Dreams and Dust
- Kristin A.I.D.S.
- Say Goodbye
- The Dream of a Vamp
- T Across the Mirror
- T Afterlife
- T Aquelarre
- T Beyond Death's Embrace
- Black Roses in my Tomb
- T Dickhead!
- T Dreams and Dust
- T Equilibrium
- T Erzébet Báthory's Song
- T Gasoline
- T GothiX Girls
- Hate
- T In Autumnal Equinox
- T In the Forest
- Intro
- Kristin A.I.D.S.
- T Larmes et Roses
- T Lunatic Asylum
- Mar
- T Ophelia's Eyes
- T Our Story
- T Overture: The Dark Secret Misteries in Carpathians
- Pulse
- T Reminiscences
- Requiem: Funeral of the Lost Soul
- T Say Goodbye
- She Loves Her
- T The Circles of Tenebra
- The Dream of a Vamp
- T The Letter
- T The Lovers
- T Tristeza
Alice's Inferno
Schwarzer Engel
Tales for Bad Girls
- 1 Dickhead!
- 2 Say Goodbye
- 3 GothiX Girls
- 4 Pulse
- 5 Kristin A.I.D.S.
- 6 Afterlife
- 7 Our Story
- 8 Mar
- 9 The Lovers
- 10 Larmes et Roses
- 11 She Loves Her
- 12 Gasoline