Forever in Terror akordy a texty písní
- All Left Drowning
- Destroy Us
- I'm Not Afraid Of Tomorrow
- Shameless Crucifixion
- Lunar Fortress
- To Burn Alone To Burn Alive
- V.2009
- Overboard
- Vertical Horizon
- Leviathan
- Until Valor
- The Chosen One
- Fallacy Of A Memory
- Restless In The Tides
- Sunlight Sands
- Defiled Within
- In the Face of the Faceless
- Upon Your Grave
- To Burn Alone, To Burn Alive
- This Burden
- V2009
- A Pair of Hearts
- Like Snakes Beneath Our Feet
- Above the Ground
- Lazarus Mirror
- Lakes of Fire
- Flesh and Blood
- Demons
- Definite Finite Infinity
- Broken Homes with Loaded Guns
- A Pair of Hearts
- Above the Ground
- T All Left Drowning
- Better Ways, Better Days
- Broken Homes with Loaded Guns
- T Defiled Within
- Definite Finite Infinity
- Demons
- T Destroy Us
- T Fallacy Of A Memory
- Flesh and Blood
- T I'm Not Afraid Of Tomorrow
- T In the Face of the Faceless
- Lakes of Fire
- T Lazarus Mirror
- T Leviathan
- Like Snakes Beneath Our Feet
- T Lunar Fortress
- T Overboard
- T Restless In The Tides
- T Shameless Crucifixion
- T Sunlight Sands
- T The Chosen One
- This Burden
- T To Burn Alone To Burn Alive
- To Burn Alone, To Burn Alive
- T Until Valor
- T Upon Your Grave
- T V.2009
- T V2009
- T Vertical Horizon
- We All Die Young
Forever In Terror
The End
Restless In the Tides