Folly akordy a texty písní
- Brooks Wuz Here
- Today Jeremy Challenges The World
- False Evidence Appearing Real
- Bonfire Of The Manatees
- The Weak And The Wounded
- Sweet Water Death
- Forfeit Sundials
- Blending Day With Night
- Contrite
- All The King's Horses
- Broken
- The City Is Drowning
- Serenity Now!
- Historian
- Discussions Is For The Pigs
- Human Bodies
- The Last Letter We Ever Wrote
- For My Friends
- Pterodactyls In America
- We Still Believe...
- Operation: Work; Lift-face
- The Wake
- All The Same
- Repeat, I Repeat, Repeat
- Coalition
- Far Away
- The Morning Song
- Truck
- Walter White Whale
- Wanderin' Ways
- 27 Nights
- T All The King's Horses
- T All The Same
- T Blending Day With Night
- T Bonfire Of The Manatees
- T Broken
- T Brooks Wuz Here
- Car In A Ditch
- T Coalition
- Compound Fracture
- T Contrite
- Discussion Is for the Pigs
- T Discussions Is For The Pigs
- T False Evidence Appearing Real
- T Far Away
- Flake
- T For My Friends
- T Forfeit Sundials
- Forget Sundials
- Gatekeeper
- Gwendolyn
- Gwendolyn's Travels
- Headin' Home
- Highway Sign
- T Historian
- T Human Bodies
- T I've Been Running for Miles, Davis
- Innocence Lost
- Lay A Thousand Miles On The Line
- Let's Get Heavy
- Little Lost Angel
- Mpd
- T Odds.> Evens
- T Operation: Work; Lift-face
- T Please Don't Shoot the Piano Player, He's Doing the Best He Can
- T Pterodactyls In America
- Reno Sunset
- T Repeat, I Repeat, Repeat
- T Serenity Now!
- Sleuth
- Steady Streams
- Stereo
- T Sweet Water Death
- T The City Is Drowning
- T The Last Letter We Ever Wrote
- The Morning Song
- T The Wake
- T The Weak And The Wounded
- T Today Jeremy Challenges The World
- Truck
- Walter White Whale
- Wanderin' Ways
- We Still Believe..
- T We Still Believe...
Wavebreaker #3
Steady Streams
- 1 Mpd
- 2 Steady Streams
- 3 Sleuth
- 4 Innocence Lost
- 5 Compound Fracture
Gwendolyn's Travels
- 1 Let's Get Heavy
- 2 Truck
- 3 Gwendolyn
- 4 Reno Sunset
- 5 Lay A Thousand Miles On The Line
- 6 Stereo
- 7 27 Nights
- 8 Little Lost Angel
- 9 Car In A Ditch
- 10 Wanderin' Ways
- 11 Highway Sign
- 12 Flake
- 13 Gwendolyn's Travels
- 14 Headin' Home
Resist Convenience
Insanity Later
- 1 The Morning Song
- 2 Please Don't Shoot the Piano Player, He's Doing the Best He Can
- 3 Repeat, I Repeat, Repeat
- 4 I've Been Running for Miles, Davis
- 5 Discussion Is for the Pigs
- 6 The Last Letter We Ever Wrote
- 7 Pterodactyls In America
- 8 Serenity Now!
- 9 Today Jeremy Challenges The World
- 10 The City Is Drowning
- 11 Sweet Water Death
- 12 The Weak And The Wounded
For My Friends