FGFC820 akordy a texty písní
- Anthem
- Society
- World of God
- Martyrdom
- Hello, Baghdad
- Pray
- Democracy
- Forsaken
- Dream For Tomorrow
- Legion
- Perfect War
- Existence
- The Heart of America
- Children Of Decay
- Emotion
- Victim
- Comatose
- G.b.a
- Momentum
- Not The World I Remember
- Killing Fields
- Vengeance
- We Don't Need No WWIII
- Doctrine
- G.B.A.
- The Hanging Garden
- Sound & Fury
- Cold Front
- Revolt Resist
- Resolution Number Two
- T Anthem
- T Call To Glory
- Cold Front
- T Comatose
- T Crush
- T Democracy
- T Doctrine
- T Dream For Tomorrow
- T Emotion
- T Existence
- T Forsaken
- T G.b.a
- G.B.A.
- God & Country
- T Hello, Baghdad
- T Children Of Decay
- T Ich bin ein Ausländer
- T In Country
- T Insurrection
- Intro March
- T Killing Fields
- T Legion
- T Lost
- T Love Until Death
- Malfunction
- T Martyrdom
- T Momentum
- T Not The World I Remember
- T Perfect War
- T Pray
- T Relapse
- Resolution 10
- Resolution 11
- Resolution 12
- Resolution 3
- Resolution 4
- Resolution 5
- Resolution 6
- Resolution 7
- Resolution 8
- Resolution 9
- Resolution Number One
- Resolution Number Two
- T Revolt Resist
- T Society
- T Sound & Fury
- T The Hanging Garden
- T The Heart of America
- T Vengeance
- T Victim
- We Don't Need No WWIII
- T World of God
American History Vol. 1
- 1 Democracy
- 2 Insurrection
- 3 Killing Fields
- 5 Revolt Resist
- 6 Perfect War
- 7 Not The World I Remember
- 8 Doctrine
- 9 God & Country
- 10 Society
- 12 G.B.A.
- 9 Call To Glory
- 10 Lost
- 11 Doctrine
- 12 Legion
- 13 Relapse
- 14 Crush
- 15 Revolt Resist
- 16 Insurrection
Homeland Insecurity
- 2 Insurrection
- 4 Resolution 10
- 8 Resolution 11
- 9 Love Until Death
- 11 Resolution 12
- 12 In Country
- 20 Revolt Resist
- 21 Crush
- 23 Lost
- 25 Call To Glory
- 26 Doctrine
- 27 Sound & Fury
- 28 Legion
- 29 Relapse
Defense Condition 2
Law & Ordnance
Urban Audio Warfare
- 1 Intro March
- 2 Children Of Decay
- 3 Pray
- 4 Martyrdom
- 5 Resolution 3
- 6 World of God
- 7 Victim
- 8 Resolution 4
- 9 Perfect War
- 10 Comatose
- 11 Existence
- 12 Resolution 5
- 13 Anthem
- 14 Society
- 15 G.B.A.
The Hanging Garden