Feed the Rhino akordy a texty písní
- I Am The Curse I Am The Cure
- Lambs To The Slaughter - Priests At The Alter
- Transistor Down
- Fountains
- Song Of Failure
- Tides
- The Burning Sons
- Rotten Apple
- The Compass
- The Butchers
- Mr. Red Eye
- The Caller Of The Town
- Razor
- Left For Ruins
- One For The Ponces
- Death Of The Swine
- Empty Mirrors
- Sitting Ducks
- Diary Of Cards
- Nothing Lost
- Kings Of Grand Delusion
- Flood The System
- Set Sail for Treason
- No-where Lane
- Revelation Not Revolution
- The Silence
- The Sorrow and the Sound
- Timewave Zero
- 68
- Losing Ground
- 68
- All Work and No Play Makes Jack a Dull Boy
- Another Requiem
- Behind the Pride
- Black Horse
- Bright Side of a Dark Ride
- T Death Of The Swine
- Deny and Offend
- T Diary Of Cards
- T Empty Mirrors
- Featherweight
- Fences
- Finish the Game
- T Flood The System
- T Fountains
- Give Up
- Heedless
- T I Am The Curse I Am The Cure
- I Am The Curse, I Am The Cure
- Keep Your Purpose Hitman
- T Kings Of Grand Delusion
- T Lambs To The Slaughter - Priests At The Alter
- Lambs to the Slaughter / Priests at the Alter
- T Left For Ruins
- Losing Ground
- Lost in Proximity
- Mr Red Eye
- T Mr. Red Eye
- Nerve of a Sinister Killer
- New Wave
- No-where Lane
- T Nothing Lost
- T One For The Ponces
- T Razor
- Revelation Not Revolution
- T Rotten Apple
- Set Sail for Treason
- T Sitting Ducks
- T Song Of Failure
- T The Burning Sons
- T The Butchers
- T The Caller Of The Town
- T The Compass
- The Silence
- The Sorrow and the Sound
- T Tides
- Timewave Zero
- T Transistor Down
- Yellow and Green
The Silence
- 1 Heedless
The Sorrow and the Sound
The Burning Sons
Mr Red Eye