Eternal Tears of Sorrow akordy a texty písní
- Sound of Silence
- The Day
- Saivo
- Sinner's Serenade
- Fall of Man
- Sweet Lilith Of My Dreams
- Vilda Mánnu
- The River Flows Frozen
- Heart of Wilderness
- Diary of Demonic Dreams
- Bhéan Sidhe
- Angelheart, Ravenheart (Act III: Saivon Lapsi)
- Sick, Dirty and Mean
- The Son of the Forest
- March
- Dark Alliance
- Sea of Whispers
- Aurora Borealis
- When the Darkest Night Falls
- Prophetian
- Black Tears
- Baptized By the Blood of Angels
- Summon the Wild
- Dance of December
- Aeon
- Sinister Rain
- Red Dawn Rising
- Kuura
- Autumn's Grief
- Empty Eyes
- T Aeon
- Angelheart, Ravenheart
- T Angelheart, Ravenheart (Act I: Before The Bleeding Sun)
- T Angelheart, Ravenheart (Act III: Saivon Lapsi)
- T Another Me
- T Another One Falls Asleep
- T As I Die
- T Aurora Borealis
- T Autumn's Grief
- T Baptized By the Blood of Angels
- T Bard's Burial
- T Beneath the Frozen Leaves
- T Bhéan Sidhe
- T Black Tears
- Blood of Faith Stains My Soul
- T Blood of Hatred
- T Blood Stained Sea
- T Bride of the Crimson Sea
- T Dance of December
- T Dark Alliance
- Dawn
- T Diary of Demonic Dreams
- T Dirge
- T Empty Eyes
- T Fall of Man
- T Heart of Wilderness
- Into the Deepest Waters
- Kuura
- T Legion of Beast
- T Lost Rune Of Thunder
- T March
- T Midnight Bird
- T My God, the Evil Wind
- T Nocturnal Strains
- T Nocturne Thule
- T Prophetian
- T Red Dawn Rising
- Saivo
- T Sakura No Rei
- T Sea of Whispers
- Shattered Souls
- T Sick, Dirty and Mean
- T Sinister Rain
- T Sinner's Serenade
- T Sound of Silence
- T Summon the Wild
- T Swan Saivo
- T Sweet Lilith Of My Dreams
- T Tar of Chaos
- T Tar Still Flows
- T Tears of Autumn Rain
- T The Day
- T The Last One for Life
- T The Law of the Flames
- T The River Flows Frozen
- T The Seventh Eclipse
- T The Son of the Forest
- T Upon The Moors
- T Vilda Mánnu
- T When the Darkest Night Falls
Chaotic Beauty
Saivon Lapsi
Children of the Dark Waters
Tears of Autumn Rain
Before the Bleeding Sun
A Virgin and a Whore
The Last One for Life
Vilda Mánnu
Sacrament of Wilderness
Sinner's Serenade
Bard's Burial