Epysode akordy a texty písní
- One Chance
- Morning Rose
- Divine Whispers
- Gemini Syndrom
- Shadow Lord
- Last Sunset
- Now and Forever
- Unreal
- Garden of Exile
- Invisible Nations
- Venom
- March Of The Ghosts
- The Black Parade
- The Arch
- Fallen's Portrait
- Living Fortress
- Silences Of Dawn (poetry)
- T.h.o.r.n.s.
- The Other Side
- Fantasmagoria
- Forgotten Symphony
- Obsessions
- First Blood
- The Inheritance
- Season Of Redemption
- File 4180-1
- Silences of Dawn
- File - 4180-2
- T.H.O.R.n' .S.
- File 41807
- T Divine Whispers
- T Fallen's Portrait
- T Fantasmagoria
- T File - 4180-2
- T File 4180-1
- T File 41807
- T First Blood
- T Forgotten Symphony
- T Garden of Exile
- T Gemini Syndrom
- Gemini Syndrome
- T Invisible Nations
- T Last Sunset
- T Living Fortress
- T March Of The Ghosts
- T Morning Rose
- T Now and Forever
- T Obsessions
- T One Chance
- T Raven's Curse
- T Season Of Redemption
- T Shadow Lord
- Silences of Dawn
- T Silences Of Dawn (poetry)
- T T.h.o.r.n.s.
- T.H.O.R.n' .S.
- T The Arch
- T The Black Parade
- T The Inheritance
- T The Other Side
- T Unreal
- T Venom
- 1 File - 4180-2
- 2 The Arch
- 3 Morning Rose
- 4 Venom
- 5 The Black Parade
- 6 T.H.O.R.n' .S.
- 7 Garden of Exile
- 8 Raven's Curse
- 9 Living Fortress
- 10 Fantasmagoria
- 11 The Inheritance
- 12 Now and Forever
- 13 Forgotten Symphony
- 14 Unreal