

My destination is unknown
 And i've lost my way
 But I still have water
 With my rations running low
 I am so fatigued
 Can I go much further?
 Lost and all alone
 In the blazing heat
 And it just gets hotter
 Sweat drips down my skin
 And string my eyes
 As I look toward the distance
 Blistered hands block the sun
 That blinds my sight
 And dances on the horizon
 Is there something up ahead?
 Or just a mirage
 Fooling me again
 Another dried up waterhole
 Lacking nourishment
 Quench my thirst and feed my mind
 The place that I seek is so far away
 And I don't know which way to go
 The vision I see is a holy place
 That is tranquil to the soul
 Just a nomad sailling across this earthly sea
 Searching on and on for sanctuary
 Weary from the chase of life's eluding dream
 Strive to reach that goal but it's never ending
 Raise my canteen to parched lips
 Taste the water so sweet
 Take one last swallow
 So many miles I have come
 So many more to go
 Down the path I follow
 Funny how we lose our way
 Through this desolate land
 Lives are grains of sand
 Which way will the wind blow?
 Sifting through our hands
 To fall wherever they may
 The place that I seek is so far away
 And I don't know which way to go
 The vision I see is a holy place
 That is tranquil to the soul