Enbound akordy a texty písní
- Combined The Souls
- Running free
- Frozen to be
- Love has come
- Untitled x
- Under a spell
- The broken heart
- Noiseless bullet
- Me and desire
- Descending
- Squeals of war
- I am lost to you
- Shifting gears
- Holy Grail
- Crossroad
- Make You so Unreal
- Falling
- Give Me Light
- They Don't Really Know
- Twelve
- Get Ready For
- Feel My Flame
- T Combined The Souls
- T Crossroad
- T Descending
- T Falling
- T Feel My Flame
- T Frozen to be
- T Get Ready For
- T Give Me Light
- T Holy Grail
- T I am lost to you
- T Love has come
- T Make You so Unreal
- T Me and desire
- T Noiseless bullet
- T Running free
- T Shifting gears
- T Squeals of war
- T The broken heart
- T They Don't Really Know
- T Twelve
- T Under a spell
- T Untitled x
The Blackened Heart
- 1 Falling
- 2 Give Me Light
- 3 Crossroad
- 4 Get Ready For
- 5 Feel My Flame
- 6 Twelve
- 7 Holy Grail
- 8 HIO
- 9 They Don't Really Know
- 10 Make You so Unreal
And She Says Gold