Elusive akordy a texty písní
- Last Night
- Lonely Satellite
- Shadow Dance
- Asylum
- Fading Rose
- Coming Home
- Lost In The Rain
- The Circle Never Ends
- Gemini
- Tomorrow Gone
- Passage
- Susannah
- Ride
- System Breakdown
- Satisfied
- She's a River
- A Thin Line
- So Far Away
- Still Water
- Summer
- The Ghost of You
- The Great Silence
- The Road (It Goes On..)
- The Turning Point
- Wolves
- Sackcloth And Ashes
- Outskirts
- Run Away
- For Another Day
- Decay
- A Thin Line
- T Asylum
- T Coming Home
- Decay
- Destination Zero
- Dream on Sister
- End of Trail
- T Fading Rose
- Faith
- Fall Of Heaven
- For Another Day
- T Gemini
- I Feel You
- In Her Garden
- Into Your Arms
- Isolation
- T Last Night
- Lonely Satelite
- T Lonely Satellite
- T Lost In The Rain
- Louise
- Nails To The Heart
- Outskirts
- Pantheon
- T Passage
- Rebel Yell
- T Ride
- Run Away
- Sackcloth And Ashes
- Satisfied
- T Shadow Dance
- She's a River
- So Far Away
- Still Water
- Summer
- T Susannah
- T System Breakdown
- T The Circle Never Ends
- The Ghost of You
- The Great Silence
- The Road (It Goes On..)
- The Turning Point
- T Tomorrow Gone
- Wolves
- You
Obscured Part 2
- 1 Isolation
- 2 The Turning Point
- 3 Rebel Yell
- 4 Satisfied
- 5 Still Water
- 6 Sackcloth And Ashes
- 7 Louise
- 8 Fall Of Heaven
- 9 Wolves
- 10 Decay
Obscured Part 1
- 1 The Circle Never Ends
- 2 Gemini
- 3 Shadow Dance
- 4 System Breakdown
- 5 Nails To The Heart
- 6 Last Night
- 7 Susannah
- 8 Pantheon
- 9 Lonely Satelite
- 10 Asylum
- 11 Destination Zero
- 12 Faith
- 13 In Her Garden
- 14 A Thin Line
- 15 Run Away
Locked Doors Drinks and Funerals (Songs from the Desert)
Dream on Sister
The Great Silence
- 1 Ride
- 2 End of Trail
- 3 Fading Rose
- 4 Lost In The Rain
- 5 The Great Silence
- 6 You
- 7 She's a River
- 8 Coming Home
- 9 Summer
- 10 Outskirts
- 11 Passage
Destination Zero
- 1 Last Night
- 2 System Breakdown
- 3 The Circle Never Ends
- 4 Tomorrow Gone
- 5 Pantheon
- 6 Lonely Satelite
- 7 Gemini
- 8 Asylum
- 9 Shadow Dance
- 10 Susannah