Danny Elfman akordy a texty písní
- Wonka's Welcome Song
- This Is Halloween
- The Little Things
- Tears To Shed
- Veruca Salt
- What's This
- Remains Of The Day
- The Wedding Song
- Alice's Theme
- Kidnap The Sandy Claws
- Poor Jack
- According To Plan
- Oogie Boogie's Song
- Closing
- Violet Beauregarde
- The White Queen
- Augustus Gloop
- Jack's Obssesion
- The Last Time
- It Only Makes Me Laugh
- Final
- Opening
- Sally's Song
- Ordinary Miracle
- Mike Teavee
- Gratitude
- Go Away
- Town Meeting Song
- Sorry
- Secret Library
- ...For A Kiss
- 1st Sex
- 3 Women
- A Cup of Tea
- A Dove and a Raven
- A Gift
- A Key
- A More Than Adequate Father
- A New Day!
- A Promise
- A Sad Liar
- A Safe Cracking Thing
- A Storm is Coming
- A Warning
- A Way In
- T According To Plan
- Aftermath
- Alarms
- Alice
- Alice Breaks Down
- Alice's Farm
- T Alice's Theme
- All F*cked Up!
- All Is Lost
- Alone
- Amarillo Dawn
- Ambush
- An Interesting Question
- An Unexpected Visitor
- Anita's Theme
- Announcement
- Annoying Distractions
- Antlers
- Are You Happy
- Ascension
- Asylum Escape
- Atom Versus Twin Cities
- Attack On The Compound
- T Augustus Gloop
- Bad Dream / Tender Moment
- Bad Moon Rising
- Bathroom Encounter
- Battle Time
- Be Strong
- Be the One
- Better Times
- Blood Stain
- Bonding
- Book of Vishanti
- Break In
- Breaking the Code
- Breakout
- Briggs Pushing
- Bullet In The Head
- Burning Outcasts
- Bus Escape
- Busted
- Buying Time
- Camcorder
- Capture
- Celery
- City Montage
- Classroom
- Classroom)
- Clock Shop
- T Closing
- Cokie
- Confession
- Conspiracy
- Cool City
- Costume Montage
- Country Carnage
- Crackstone Defeated
- Crackstone Rises
- Credits
- Cruel Compensation
- Dance With The Lemurs
- Danger Girl
- Day One
- Dear Mr. Talbot
- Desert Run
- Devastation
- Devil Take Away
- Deviled Eggs
- Devious Plan
- Digging Deep
- Diner Blues
- Discovering America
- Dog Poo
- Don Quixote
- Dorfler's Problem
- Dorfler's Theme
- Dossiers
- Dress Shopping
- Drive To Red's
- Dumped
- Eclipse
- Elevator Madness
- End Credit#1
- End Credit#2
- End Credits
- End Credits: Try To Believe
- Enid To The Rescue
- Epic Final Confrontation
- Epic Finale
- Epilogue / End Credits
- Escape
- Everybody Loves You
- T Everybody Needs
- Everyday People
- Evil Eye
- Explosion
- Exterminator Beat
- F.B.I.
- False Start
- Family Day
- Fantasy Smashed
- Farewell
- Fate
- Fencing
- Ferris Wheel
- Ferry Ride
- Fester and Wednesday Stakeout
- T Final
- Final Confrontation
- Final Round
- Finale
- Finale - From "The Kingdom"
- Finally
- Finding Mercer
- Finding the Family
- First Kiss
- First Transformation
- First Web
- Flashback
- Floating Poodle
- Fog Attack
- Forbidden Ground
- Fox in Control
- Fox's Decision
- Fox's Story
- Fraternity Suite
- Freight Train Hop
- Friends United
- Friendship
- Fun House
- Funeral March for a Marionette
- Gargantos
- Gay Rights Now! - From "Milk" Soundtrack
- Gear's Spin II
- Gears Spin I
- Get In The Truck
- Get Over It
- Getting Even
- Getting Through
- Ghost Hannah
- Girl Meets Boy
- Give 'Em Hope
- T Go Away
- Going to Work
- Gomez Accused of Murder
- Gomez’ Story
- Goodbye Alice
- Goody Heals Wednesday
- Goof Track
- Goosebumps
- Got 'Em
- Grab My Hand
- T Gratitude
- Gypsy Massacre
- Hannah's Back
- T Happy
- Happy Ending
- Happy Family
- Happy Little Robots
- Happy Love Theme
- Hard Guys
- Harvey Wins
- Harvey's Last Day
- Harvey's Theme 1
- Harvey's Theme 2
- Harvey's Will
- Hat Heartbreak
- Hatter House
- Hatter's Deathbed
- Hello, Hello
- Home At Last
- Home?
- Hope? / Fey
- Champ
- Charlie Trains Atom
- Chasing Amy
- Choose Your Side
- Chopper Crash
- Christian
- I Will Find You
- I'm Sorry
- Ice Rink
- Illuminati
- Illuminati vs Wanda
- Impulses
- In Bed
- In the House
- In The Next Life
- In Time
- Inner Sanctum
- Insects
- Intake
- Into a Circle
- Into The Ring
- Into The Woods / The Witch
- Into The Zoo
- Introduction
- T It Only Makes Me Laugh
- It's A Wrap
- It's Done
- It's On
- It's Your Choice
- It’s A Snood
- J.W. Gets A Plan
- Jack Attack
- T Jack's Obssesion
- Journey with Wong
- Just A Human
- Just Desserts / Self Defense
- Just Like Fire (From the Original Motion Picture "Alice Through The Looking Glass")
- Kick Me
- T Kidnap The Sandy Claws
- Kidnapped
- Kingsleigh & Kingsleigh
- Last Three Months
- Lawn Gnomes
- Leafmen
- Let’s Roll
- Lethal Symphonies
- Lighthouse
- Lightning
- Logo
- Logos
- Lonely Kayak
- Looking for Strange
- Looking Glass
- Lost
- Love In The Time of Covid
- Love Lost
- Lovestruck
- Mae Takes Over
- Main Title
- Main Titles
- Main Titles Sax Solo
- Making It Real
- Mantis Chase
- Many Leaves
- Maria's Theme
- Martini Face
- Masbath's Terrible Death
- Meet Atom
- Meet Dad
- Meet Wednesday
- Megan
- Memory
- T Mike Teavee
- Missing Time
- Mistake
- Mobocopter
- Mommy Dearest
- Moonhaven Parade
- More Dreams
- More Happy Little Robots
- Morticia and Wednesday
- Morticia’s Story
- Morticia’s Yearbook
- Multiverse of Madness
- Nailed
- Native Intelligence
- Native Intellligence
- New Hope
- Nightmare
- Nightshades
- No Strings Attached
- Not a Monster
- Oceans of Time
- On His Knees
- On The Move
- On the Run
- One More Chance
- Only Way
- T Oogie Boogie's Song
- T Opening
- T Ordinary Miracle
- Package Deal
- Panic
- Panic Text
- Panties
- Parade Attack
- Paramount / Out the Gate
- Parkway Motel
- Peeping
- People's Champion
- Pittsburgh's Tough
- Plane To Catch
- Poe Cup Fanfare
- Poe Cup Race
- Politics Is Theater
- T Poor Jack
- Postscript
- Potato Walk
- Prelude No. 7 in E flat [The Well Tempered Clavier - Book 2 BWV 876]
- Prologue
- Proposition 6
- Pursuit
- Queen Bitch
- Rachel
- Rats
- Really Creepy
- Red Room
- Reflection / 2nd Transformation
- T Remains Of The Day
- Repealed Rights
- Resolution / The Girl On The Train - Main Titles
- Return
- Return to Wonderland
- Reunion
- Revelation
- Revenge
- Riding the Train
- Rings of Knowledge
- Rock the Boat
- Roomies No More
- Running Off
- Sacrifices
- Sad Room
- Safe With Me
- T Sally's Song
- Same Old Trick
- Saving The House
- Saving the Ship
- Scorpion Flashback
- Searching the House
- Seconds Song
- Secret Library
- Secret Symbols
- Selling Psycho
- Serious Dub
- Serious Ground
- Silver Lining Titles
- Silver Lining Wild-Track
- Simple
- Simple Gifts
- Slappy
- Slappy's Revenge
- Small
- Snake Eyes
- Something's Different
- Something's Not Right
- Something's Wrong
- Sophia's Theme
- Sophia's Theme (Reprise)
- Sorry
- Specter of the Goblin
- Stabbed in the Back
- Stairway Chase
- Starting To Click / Saving Leavitt
- Stolen Kayak
- Stolen?
- Story of Time
- Strange Awakens
- Strange Statue
- Strange Talk
- Stranger Things Will Happen
- Success Montage
- T Sucker For Mystery
- Survive
- Suspicion
- Sweet Dreams
- Taking A Beating
- Tara's Gift
- Tara's Chamber
- Tea Time Forever
- T Tears To Shed
- Telephone
- Texting
- That's OK
- The Aftermath
- The Antique Shop
- The Apple Orchard
- The Book
- The Books
- The Bribe
- The Bump Key
- The Castro
- The Censor
- The Confrontation
- The Debates
- The Decision Is Made
- The Descent
- The Detonator
- The End…?
- The Evidence
- The Final Confrontation
- The Finale
- The Funeral
- The Gates Mansion
- The Grand Finale
- The Healing Montage
- The Hostage Game
- The Hug
- The Chase
- The Chronosphere
- The Church Battle
- The Killing Room / Trouble Coming...
- The Kingdom - Titles
- The Kiss
- The L Word
- T The Last Time
- T The Little Things
- The Longest Walk
- The Madhouse
- The Marble
- The Meeting
- The Miscarriage
- The Monster
- The Monster Is Here!
- The Orphanage
- The Perfect Couple/ Password
- The Premiere
- The Red Queen
- The Rescue
- The Reveal
- The River
- The Sales Pitch
- The Sand
- The Seconds
- The Selection
- The Scheme
- The Speech
- The Story...
- The Streets
- The Streets - Part 2
- The Swim
- The Switch
- The Train
- The Traveling Montage
- The Tree Of Death
- The Truth
- The Twist
- The Unveiling
- The Wait
- T The Wedding Song
- T The White Queen
- The Wild Ride
- The Windmill
- Theme from "Hitchcock"
- They'll Be Loved
- They're Alive
- They're Here
- They're Not Coming Back
- They're Off
- Thing Follows Rowen
- This Is A Brawl
- T This Is Halloween
- Time Is Up
- Time Lapse
- Time's Castle
- Tiny Guitars
- To The Prince's
- To the Rescue
- Toilet Talk
- T Tough As Nails
- Tough News
- Touch
- Touch Myself
- T Town Meeting Song
- Transformations
- Traveling
- Tribunal
- T True
- Trust Your Power
- Truth
- Turn Around
- Twin Cities' Intro
- Ultramarine
- Uncertainty
- Uncle Fester
- Upgrade
- Vandalize
- Vera's World
- T Veruca Salt
- T Violet Beauregarde
- Vote Passes
- Waiting
- Wake Up, Lawrence
- Walk With Hitch
- Walking Home
- Walsh Frees The Duke
- Walsh Gets The Duke
- Wanda at Home
- Warning Hightopps
- Wasted
- Watching Time
- We Belong
- Wednesday Addams (End Titles)
- Wednesday and Pugsley
- Wednesday End Titles
- Wednesday Main Titles
- Wednesday on the Case
- Wednesday Packs Up
- Weepy Donuts
- Welcome to the Fraternity
- Werewolf
- Wesley's Office Life
- What She's Lost
- T What's This
- Why We're Here
- Willem
- With a Beat
- Wolf Suite Pt 1
- Wolf Suite Pt 2
- Wolf Wild #2
- Wonderland
- T Wonka's Welcome Song
- World's End
- Xavier and Wednesday
- Yes!
- You Deserve Better
- You Make Me Feel (Mighty Real)
- You Must Go
- You're Always Wasted
- Young Ichabod
- 1 Wednesday Main Titles
- 2 Thing Follows Rowen
- 3 Morticia and Wednesday
- 4 Secret Library
- 5 Scorpion Flashback
- 6 The Monster
- 7 Family Day
- 8 Burning Outcasts
- 9 Wednesday on the Case
- 10 Dress Shopping
- 11 Gomez Accused of Murder
- 12 A Dove and a Raven
- 13 Gomez’ Story
- 14 A More Than Adequate Father
- 15 It’s A Snood
- 16 Morticia’s Yearbook
- 17 Devious Plan
- 18 I Will Find You
- 19 Searching the House
- 20 The Monster Is Here!
- 21 Uncle Fester
- 22 Annoying Distractions
- 23 Fester and Wednesday Stakeout
- 24 Let’s Roll
- 25 Stabbed in the Back
- 26 First Kiss
- 27 Wednesday Packs Up
- 28 Crackstone Rises
- 29 Goody Heals Wednesday
- 30 Enid To The Rescue
- 31 The Hug
- 32 The End…?
- 33 Wednesday End Titles
- 34 Meet Wednesday
- 35 Fencing
- 36 Secret Symbols
- 37 Poe Cup Fanfare
- 38 Poe Cup Race
- 39 One More Chance
- 40 A Safe Cracking Thing
- 41 Nightshades
- 42 Wednesday and Pugsley
- 43 Xavier and Wednesday
- 44 Morticia’s Story
- 45 The Gates Mansion
- 46 Roomies No More
- 47 Crackstone Defeated
- 48 Wednesday Addams (End Titles)
Bigger. Messier.
- 4 Sorry
- 5 We Belong
- 7 Insects
- 8 Serious Ground
- 9 Cruel Compensation
- 10 Everybody Loves You
- 14 Native Intelligence
- 16 Kick Me
- 17 In Time
- 18 Native Intellligence
- 20 True
- 22 Serious Dub
- 23 Happy
Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness
- 1 Multiverse of Madness
- 2 On the Run
- 3 Strange Awakens
- 4 The Apple Orchard
- 5 Are You Happy
- 6 Gargantos
- 7 Journey with Wong
- 8 Home?
- 9 Strange Statue
- 10 The Decision Is Made
- 11 A Cup of Tea
- 12 Discovering America
- 13 Grab My Hand
- 14 Battle Time
- 15 Not a Monster
- 16 Forbidden Ground
- 17 Tribunal
- 18 Illuminati vs Wanda
- 19 They're Not Coming Back
- 20 Stranger Things Will Happen
- 21 Buying Time
- 22 Book of Vishanti
- 23 Looking for Strange
- 24 Strange Talk
- 25 Lethal Symphonies
- 26 Getting Through
- 27 Only Way
- 28 Trust Your Power
- 29 They'll Be Loved
- 30 Farewell
- 31 An Interesting Question
- 32 Main Titles
- 33 An Unexpected Visitor
- 34 Illuminati
- 35 Wanda at Home
Big Mess
- 1 Sorry
- 2 True
- 3 In Time
- 4 Everybody Loves You
- 5 Dance With The Lemurs
- 6 Serious Ground
- 7 Choose Your Side
- 8 We Belong
- 9 Happy
- 10 Just A Human
- 11 Devil Take Away
- 12 Love In The Time of Covid
- 13 Native Intelligence
- 14 Better Times
- 15 Cruel Compensation
- 16 Kick Me
- 17 Get Over It
- 18 Insects
The Circle
- 1 Into a Circle
- 2 Wonderland
- 3 Happy Little Robots
- 4 Inner Sanctum
- 5 Lonely Kayak
- 6 Aftermath
- 7 Upgrade
- 8 Panic Text
- 9 Conspiracy
- 10 Chasing Amy
- 11 Fog Attack
- 12 Stolen Kayak
- 13 Finding Mercer
- 14 Toilet Talk
- 15 Intake
- 16 Ascension
- 17 Mae Takes Over
- 18 Simple Gifts
- 19 More Happy Little Robots
- 20 Return to Wonderland
- 21 Happy Love Theme
Tulip Fever
- 1 Sophia's Theme
- 2 Lost
- 3 Willem
- 4 The Unveiling
- 5 The Streets
- 6 A Storm is Coming
- 7 Ultramarine
- 8 Nailed
- 9 The Reveal
- 10 The Streets - Part 2
- 11 Devastation
- 12 Maria's Theme
- 13 The Wait
- 14 It's Done
- 15 The Orphanage
- 16 The Grand Finale
- 17 Happy Family
- 18 Sophia's Theme (Reprise)
Fifty Shades Darker
- 1 Nightmare
- 2 Christian
- 3 On His Knees
- 4 Panties
- 5 Bathroom Encounter
- 6 No Strings Attached
- 7 Dossiers
- 8 1st Sex
- 9 Vandalize
- 10 The L Word
- 11 Texting
- 12 Red Room
- 13 A Key
- 14 Jack Attack
- 15 Danger Girl
- 16 Chopper Crash
- 17 Survive
- 18 Yes!
- 19 Announcement
- 20 Martini Face
- 21 Making It Real
The Girl on the Train
- 1 Riding the Train
- 2 Something's Not Right
- 3 Megan
- 4 Rachel
- 5 Stolen?
- 6 3 Women
- 7 All F*cked Up!
- 8 Wasted
- 9 Missing Time
- 10 Day One
- 11 Deviled Eggs
- 12 Touch Myself
- 13 Uncertainty
- 14 The Perfect Couple/ Password
- 15 I'm Sorry
- 16 A Sad Liar
- 17 You're Always Wasted
- 18 Memory
- 19 Really Creepy
- 20 Just Desserts / Self Defense
- 21 Resolution / The Girl On The Train - Main Titles
Alice Through the Looking Glass
- 1 Alice
- 2 Saving the Ship
- 3 Watching Time
- 4 Looking Glass
- 5 To the Rescue
- 6 Hatter House
- 7 The Red Queen
- 8 The Chronosphere
- 9 Warning Hightopps
- 10 Tea Time Forever
- 11 Oceans of Time
- 12 Hat Heartbreak
- 13 Asylum Escape
- 14 Hatter's Deathbed
- 15 Finding the Family
- 16 Time Is Up
- 17 World's End
- 18 Truth
- 19 Goodbye Alice
- 20 Kingsleigh & Kingsleigh
- 21 Seconds Song
- 22 Friends United
- 23 Time's Castle
- 24 The Seconds
- 25 Clock Shop
- 26 They're Alive
- 27 Story of Time
- 28 Just Like Fire (From the Original Motion Picture "Alice Through The Looking Glass")
- 1 Goosebumps
- 2 Ferris Wheel
- 3 To the Rescue
- 4 Camcorder
- 5 Ice Rink
- 6 Capture
- 7 Slappy
- 8 Confession
- 9 Slappy's Revenge
- 10 Bus Escape
- 11 Lawn Gnomes
- 12 Ghost Hannah
- 13 Mantis Chase
- 14 Hannah's Back
- 15 They're Here
- 16 Farewell
- 17 Credits
- 18 Something's Wrong
- 19 Champ
- 20 Break In
- 21 The Books
- 22 Instagram
- 23 Floating Poodle
- 24 Werewolf
- 25 Lovestruck
- 26 Panic
- 27 On the Run
- 28 Fun House
- 29 The Twist
- 1 Leafmen
- 2 Pursuit
- 3 Tara's Chamber
- 4 Meet Dad
- 5 Moonhaven Parade
- 6 Alarms
- 7 The Selection
- 8 Ambush
- 9 Tara's Gift
- 10 Small
- 11 Girl Meets Boy
- 12 Rings of Knowledge
- 13 Antlers
- 14 Kidnapped
- 15 In the House
- 16 Many Leaves
- 17 Escape
- 18 False Start
- 19 Epic Final Confrontation
- 20 Return
- 21 Epic Finale
Promised Land
- 1 Logo
- 2 Traveling
- 3 Going to Work
- 4 The Meeting
- 5 The Bribe
- 6 Classroom
- 7 Turn Around
- 8 Time Lapse
- 9 Alice's Farm
- 10 Weepy Donuts
- 11 Lighthouse
- 12 Revelation
- 13 The Speech
- 14 Classroom)
- 15 Snake Eyes
- 1 Logos
- 2 Theme from "Hitchcock"
- 3 The Premiere
- 4 Paramount / Out the Gate
- 5 Mommy Dearest
- 6 In Bed
- 7 Impulses
- 8 The Censor
- 9 The Swim
- 10 Peeping
- 11 Sacrifices
- 12 Walk With Hitch
- 13 Celery
- 14 Telephone
- 15 Suspicion
- 16 Explosion
- 17 Selling Psycho
- 18 Fantasy Smashed
- 19 The Sand
- 20 It's A Wrap
- 21 Busted
- 22 Saving The House
- 23 Finally
- 24 Home At Last
- 25 End Credit#1
- 26 End Credit#2
- 27 Funeral March for a Marionette
Silver Linings Playbook
Real Steel
- 1 Charlie Trains Atom
- 2 On The Move
- 3 Into The Zoo
- 4 Why We're Here
- 5 Meet Atom
- 6 It's Your Choice
- 7 Safe With Me
- 8 Atom Versus Twin Cities
- 9 ...For A Kiss
- 10 Get In The Truck
- 11 Bonding
- 12 Twin Cities' Intro
- 13 Parkway Motel
- 14 This Is A Brawl
- 15 You Deserve Better
- 16 Into The Ring
- 17 Taking A Beating
- 18 Final Round
- 19 People's Champion
The Next Three Days
- 1 Prologue
- 2 A Way In
- 3 What She's Lost
- 4 Pittsburgh's Tough
- 5 Blood Stain
- 6 Same Old Trick
- 7 Don Quixote
- 8 All Is Lost
- 9 A Promise
- 10 That's OK
- 11 It's On
- 12 The Evidence
- 13 Last Three Months
- 14 The Bump Key
- 15 A Warning
- 16 Breakout
- 17 Touch
- 18 Reunion
- 19 The Switch
- 20 They're Off
- 21 Got 'Em
- 22 The Truth
- 23 The Aftermath
- 24 Mistake
- 25 Be the One
The Wolfman
- 1 Wolf Suite Pt 1
- 2 Wolf Suite Pt 2
- 3 Prologue
- 4 Dear Mr. Talbot
- 5 Bad Moon Rising
- 6 Gypsy Massacre
- 7 Wake Up, Lawrence
- 8 The Funeral
- 9 The Healing Montage
- 10 First Transformation
- 11 You Must Go
- 12 The Antique Shop
- 13 Country Carnage
- 14 Be Strong
- 15 The Madhouse
- 16 Reflection / 2nd Transformation
- 17 The Traveling Montage
- 18 The Finale
- 19 Wolf Wild #2
- 1 Queen Bitch
- 2 Everyday People
- 3 Rock the Boat
- 4 You Make Me Feel (Mighty Real)
- 5 Hello, Hello
- 6 Prelude No. 7 in E flat [The Well Tempered Clavier - Book 2 BWV 876]
- 7 Harvey's Theme 1
- 8 Main Titles
- 9 Harvey's Will
- 10 The Castro
- 11 The Kiss
- 12 Politics Is Theater
- 13 New Hope
- 14 Harvey Wins
- 15 Proposition 6
- 16 Repealed Rights
- 17 Gay Rights Now! - From "Milk" Soundtrack
- 18 Dog Poo
- 19 Vote Passes
- 20 Briggs Pushing
- 21 The Debates
- 22 Weepy Donuts
- 23 Harvey's Last Day
- 24 Give 'Em Hope
- 25 Postscript
- 26 Harvey's Theme 2
- 27 Anita's Theme
- 28 Main Titles Sax Solo
- 1 The Little Things
- 2 Success Montage
- 3 Fraternity Suite
- 4 Wesley's Office Life
- 5 The Scheme
- 6 Fox in Control
- 7 Welcome to the Fraternity
- 8 Fox's Story
- 9 Exterminator Beat
- 10 Rats
- 11 The Train
- 12 Revenge
- 13 Fox's Decision
- 14 Breaking the Code
- 15 Fate
The Kingdom
- 1 Main Title
- 2 Transformations
- 3 Costume Montage
- 4 Revenge
- 5 First Web
- 6 Something's Different
- 7 City Montage
- 8 Alone
- 9 Parade Attack
- 10 Specter of the Goblin
- 11 Revelation
- 12 Getting Through
- 13 Final Confrontation
- 14 Farewell
- 15 End Credits
Proof Of Life
Sleepy Hollow
- 1 Introduction
- 2 Main Titles
- 3 Young Ichabod
- 4 The Story...
- 5 Masbath's Terrible Death
- 6 Sweet Dreams
- 7 A Gift
- 8 Into The Woods / The Witch
- 9 More Dreams
- 10 The Tree Of Death
- 11 Bad Dream / Tender Moment
- 12 Evil Eye
- 13 The Church Battle
- 14 Love Lost
- 15 The Windmill
- 16 The Chase
- 17 The Final Confrontation
- 18 A New Day!
- 19 End Credits
Extreme Measures
- 1 Main Title
- 2 Hard Guys
- 3 Cokie
- 4 Dumped
- 5 The Descent
- 6 Tough News
- 7 Hope? / Fey
- 8 Elevator Madness
- 9 Epilogue / End Credits
Dolores Claiborne
- 1 Main Titles
- 2 Vera's World
- 3 Flashback
- 4 Getting Even
- 5 Ferry Ride
- 6 Sad Room
- 7 Eclipse
- 8 Finale
- 9 End Credits
Midnight Run
- 1 Walsh Gets The Duke
- 2 Main Titles
- 3 Stairway Chase
- 4 J.W. Gets A Plan
- 5 Gears Spin I
- 6 Dorfler's Theme
- 7 F.B.I.
- 8 Package Deal
- 9 Mobocopter
- 10 Freight Train Hop
- 11 Drive To Red's
- 12 In The Next Life
- 13 The River
- 14 The Wild Ride
- 15 Amarillo Dawn
- 16 Potato Walk
- 17 Desert Run
- 18 Diner Blues
- 19 Dorfler's Problem
- 20 Gear's Spin II
- 21 The Confrontation
- 22 The Longest Walk
- 23 Walsh Frees The Duke
- 24 End Credits: Try To Believe