Gone Home

Dan Bull

My name's Kaitlin
I've been away since this time last year, ages and ages
I've been abroad, it's been a long road
But I'm getting bored so I've got aboard and gone home
Get through the door, I don't really know
Where anybody is as if there's nobody home
Hopefully though, I'll find a clue
It better be a joke they're tryin' to do

I've gone home and I'm on my own
I've gone home and I'm all alone

I've been around everywhere, nothing found yet
I've looked outside, I've looked downstairs
I've looked upstairs, tell me now where?
I'm well scared, this is getting pretty out there
Where's Mom and Dad? Where's Samantha?
Somewhere in the mansion there's an answer
Have they left? Are they dead from cancer?
Kidnapped by the Feds or gangsters?
I'm wracked with a sense of dread
So deep I could believe it was a necromancer
There's an atmosphere that's noxious
Something bleak and evil watches
But there's nothing here but sheets and boxes
Nobody's holdin' people hostage
I just need the key to reveal each secret
Like a seasoned locksmith

I've gone home and I'm on my own
I've gone home and I'm all alone
I've gone home and I'm on my own
I've gone home and I'm all alone

I'm losing my mind in a psycho house
So I pray no lights go out
It's just me; my lone self
No family, no life, no sound
No clues so I know nought
And I'm bloody terrified on my own, help
All I have is letters and scraps
No weapons except for this map
I'm desperate for something better than that
If I have any chance to defend from attacks
Now there is a hatch to enter the attic
It's a place that I've left to the last bit
Now I've got the key, I'm prepared to get past it
I need to know either way whether it's tragic
Or whether my head has gone mad
And so I hold on to my breath and then grab it

I've gone home and I'm on my own
I've gone home and I'm all alone
I've gone home and I'm on my own
I've gone home and I'm all alone