Blood Red Throne akordy a texty písní
- Prove Yourself Dead
- Mercy Killings
- Smite
- Eye-Licker
- In Hell I Roam
- Come Death
- Tortured Soul Appearance
- Demand
- Dødens makt
- State Of Darkness
- Torturewhore
- Flesh To Destroy
- Deranged Assassin
- Gather The Dead
- Slaying The Lamb
- Human Fraud
- Razor Jack
- Taste Of God
- Path Of Flesh
- Deliberate Carnage
- Mephitication
- A Dream Of Death
- Primitive Killing Machine
- Malediction
- March of the Undying
- Arterial Lust
- Hymn of the Asylum
- Exoneration Manifesto
- Portrait Of A Killer
- Bleeders Lament
- T A Dream Of Death
- T Affiliated With The Suffering
- T Altered Genesis
- T Another Kill
- T Arterial Lust
- T Bleeders Lament
- Bloodity
- T Brutalitarian Regime
- T Come Death
- T Cryptic Realms
- Deadly Intentions
- Deal it or Die
- T Death to Birth
- T Deatholation
- T Deliberate Carnage
- T Demand
- T Deranged Assassin
- T Disincarnated
- T Dødens makt
- Dream Controlled Mu
- End
- T Eternal Decay
- T Exoneration Manifesto
- T Exposed Mutation
- T Eye-Licker
- T Flesh To Destroy
- T Games of Humiliation
- T Gather The Dead
- T Graveworld
- Gutteral Screams
- T Harme
- Hate Tank
- Homicidal Ecstacy
- T Human Fraud
- T Hymn of the Asylum
- Chaos Rising !
- T In Hell I Roam
- Incarnadine Mangler
- T InStructed InSanity
- Killing Machine, Pt. 2
- T Leather Rebel
- T Legacy Of Greed
- T Malediction
- Malignant Nothingne
- Mandatory Homicide / Death Inc.
- Manifest Of Lies
- T March of the Undying
- T Martyrized
- Mary Whispers of De
- T Mary Whispers of Death
- T Melena
- T Mephitication
- T Mercy Killings
- T Monument Of Death
- Movement of the Parasites
- T No New Beginning
- Not Turgenjev, But Close
- T Parnassian Cacoepy
- T Path Of Flesh
- T Patriotic Hatred
- T Portrait Of A Killer
- T Primal Recoil
- T Primitive Killing Machine
- T Proliferated unto Hemophobia
- T Proselyte Virus
- T Prove Yourself Dead
- Ravenous War Machin
- T Razor Jack
- T Rebirth In Blood
- Requiem Mass
- T Revocation Of Humankind
- T Ripsaw Resentment
- Skyggemannen
- T Slaying The Lamb
- T Smite
- T Souls Of Damnation
- T Soulseller
- T State Of Darkness
- T Taste Of God
- T Ten Steps Of Purgatory
- T The Burning
- The Children Shall
- The Light, The Hate
- T Throne Of Damnation
- T Tortured Soul Appearance
- T Torturewhore
- T Trapped Terrified Dead
- T Twisted Truth
- T Union Of Flesh and Machine
- T Unleashing Hell
- WhoreZone
- T Your Cold Flesh
Souls of Damnation
Fit to Kill
Union of Flesh and Machine
Blood Red Throne
Brutalitarian Regime
Come Death
Altered Genesis
Affiliated with the Suffering
Monument of Death