Blonde Redhead akordy a texty písní
- I Don't Want U
- Silently
- Hated Because Of Great Qualities
- 23
- Messenger
- Melody Of Certain Three
- Maddening Cloud
- Symphony Of Treble
- Sciuri Sciura
- Mama Cita
- Water
- Spring And By Summer Fall
- Everything Is Wrong
- Bipolar
- Not Getting There
- Heroine
- Country Song
- Violent Life
- Swing Pool
- Bean
- A Cure
- In Particular
- Here Sometimes
- Young Neil
- For the Damaged Coda
- Pier Paolo
- The Dress
- Publisher
- Astro Boy
- Kazuality
- (I Am Taking Out My Eurotrash) I Still Get Rocks Off
- T (We Are a Real Team) Harry And I
- T 10
- T 10 Feet High
- T 23
- T 3 O'Clock
- T A Cure
- Ambient I: La Donna Sola
- Ambient II: La Dimenticata
- Ambient III: L’Inverno Venente
- Ambient IV: Il Periodo
- Amescream
- T Anticipation
- T Astro Boy
- Ballad of Lemons
- Barragán
- T Bean
- T Before
- Big Song
- T Bipolar
- T Black Guitar
- T Cat on Tin Roof
- Country Song
- T Defeatist Anthem (Harry and I)
- Defeatist Anthem By the Sea
- T Distilled
- T Doll Is Mine
- T Down Under
- T Dr. Strangeluv
- T Dripping
- T Ego Maniac Kid
- T Elephant Woman
- T En Particulier
- T Equally Damaged
- T Equus
- T Everything Is Wrong
- T Falling Man
- Flying Douglas
- T For The Damaged
- T For the Damaged Coda
- T Four Damaged Lemons
- Futurism vs. Passéism
- T Futurism Vs. Passeism Part 2
- T Girl Boy
- T Give Give
- T Golden Light
- T Harmony
- T Hated Because Of Great Qualities
- T Here Sometimes
- Here Sometimes (Becoming Real Remix
- T Heroine
- T Chi é e non é
- T Chi e non e
- T I Am There While You Choke On Me
- T I am While you choke on me
- T I Don't Want U
- T I Don't Want U
- T I Don't Want You
- T I Still Get Rocks Off
- T I Thought You Should Know
- T If
- Il Padroni (Main Theme)
- Il Vero Padrone (Epilogue / Final Reprise)
- T Impure hair
- In an Expression of the Inexpressable
- T In An Expression Of The Inexpressible
- T In Particular
- Inside You
- Instrumental
- Interlude II: Con Speranza
- Interlude III: Con Disperazione
- Interlude IV: Nuova Speranza
- It Was All So Sudden
- T Jet Star
- T Jewel
- Justin Joyous
- Kasuality
- T Kazuality
- T Kiss Her Kiss Her
- T Lady M
- Lady M on Full Moon
- T Led Zep
- Limited Conversation
- T Love despite of great faults
- T Love Or Prison
- T Loved Despite Of Great Faults
- T Luv Machine
- T Maddening Cloud
- T Magic Mountain
- T Mama Cita
- Mama Lita
- T Melody
- T Melody Experiment
- T Melody Of Certain Three
- T Messenger
- T Mind to Be Had
- T Mine To Be Had
- Misery
- T Misery Is A Butterfly
- T Missile ++
- Missle Me
- More Coda
- More Than Honey
- T Mother
- Much More to Lady M
- T My Impure Hair
- T My Plants Are Dead
- T No More Honey
- T Not for Me
- T Not Getting There
- Not Too Late
- T Odiata Per Le Sue Virtú
- T Oh James
- T Oslo
- Pen Ultimatum
- T Penny Sparkle
- T Penultimo
- T Pier Paolo
- T Pink Love
- Prelude
- Prologue I: Scherzando
- Prologue II: Divertente
- Prologue III: Cascata
- Prologue IV: Doloroso / Interlude I: Curioso
- T Publisher
- T Rest of Her Life
- T Sciuri Sciura
- T Seven Two
- T Signs Along The Path
- T Silently
- Sit Down for Dinner
- T Sit Down For Dinner (Part 1)
- T Sit Down For Dinner (Part 2)
- T Sit Down for Dinner, Pt. 1
- T Sit Down for Dinner, Pt. 2
- T Slogan
- Slogan Attempt
- Snippet
- T Snowman
- T Spain
- Sparkle Defeats Us Anthem
- Speed × Distance = Time
- Speed X distance
- T Speed x Distance = Time
- T Speed X Distance Equals Time
- T Spring And By Summer Fall
- T Suimasen
- T SW
- T Swing Pool
- Swing Pool Instrumental
- T Symphony Of Treble
- T Ten
- T The Dress
- T The One I Love
- The One to Love
- T This For Me And I Know Everyone Knows
- T This is for me
- This Is for Me and I Know Everyone Knows
- T This Is Not
- This Is The Number Of Times I Said I Will But Didn't
- T Tons Confession
- T Tons Confessions
- T Top Ranking
- T Twenty three
- T U.F.O.
- T U.F.O.
- T Vague
- T Valentine
- Via Savona
- T Violent Life
- T Water
- T We Should Be Holding Hands
- Where Is John
- T Where Your Mind Wants to Go
- T Will There Be Stars
- Without
- T Without Feathers
- Woody (4 Track Demo)
- T Young Neil
Sit Down for Dinner
More Coda
Vague b/w Jet Star
- 1 Snowman
- 2 Snowman
- 3 Via Savona
We Should Be Holding Hands
Where Your Mind Wants to Go
3 O'Clock
Freedom of Expression on Barragán
Masculin Féminin
- 1 I Don't Want U
- 2 Sciuri Sciura
- 3 Astro Boy
- 4 Without Feathers
- 5 Snippet
- 6 Mama Cita
- 7 Swing Pool
- 8 Girl Boy
- 9 Amescream
- 10 Big Song
- 11 Inside You
- 12 Vague
- 13 Jet Star
- 14 This Is The Number Of Times I Said I Will But Didn't
- 15 Instrumental
- 16 Slogan Attempt
- 17 Swing Pool Instrumental
- 18 Woody (4 Track Demo)
- 19 (I Am Taking Out My Eurotrash) I Still Get Rocks Off
- 20 Violent Life
- 21 U.F.O.
- 22 I Am There While You Choke On Me
- 23 Harmony
- 24 Down Under
- 25 Bean
- 26 Young Neil
- 27 10 Feet High
- 28 Jewel
- 29 Flying Douglas
- 30 Harmony
- 31 10 Feet High
- 32 Valentine
- 33 Not Too Late
- 34 (I Am Taking Out My Eurotrash) I Still Get Rocks Off
- 35 Pier Paolo
- 36 Country Song
- 37 It Was All So Sudden
Peel Sessions
Big Song
- 1 Big Song
Cat on Tin Roof
- 1 Dripping
Blonde Redhead Remixes
The Dungeon Masters
- 1 Prelude
- 2 Prologue I: Scherzando
- 3 Prologue II: Divertente
- 4 Prologue III: Cascata
- 5 Prologue IV: Doloroso / Interlude I: Curioso
- 6 Ambient I: La Donna Sola
- 7 Interlude II: Con Speranza
- 8 Il Padroni (Main Theme)
- 9 Ambient II: La Dimenticata
- 10 Interlude III: Con Disperazione
- 11 Ambient III: L’Inverno Venente
- 12 Ambient IV: Il Periodo
- 13 Interlude IV: Nuova Speranza
- 14 Il Vero Padrone (Epilogue / Final Reprise)
Penny Sparkle
Here Sometimes
Not Getting There
- 1 23
- 2 Dr. Strangeluv
- 3 The Dress
- 4 SW
- 5 Spring And By Summer Fall
- 6 Silently
- 7 Publisher
- 8 Heroine
- 9 Top Ranking
- 10 My Impure Hair
Signs Along The Path
Spring And By Summer Fall
The Secret Society of Butterflies
- 1 Messenger
- 2 Tons Confession
- 3 Melody
- 4 Misery
Misery Is a Butterfly
- 1 Elephant Woman
- 2 Messenger
- 3 Melody
- 4 Doll Is Mine
- 5 Misery Is A Butterfly
- 6 Falling Man
- 7 Anticipation
- 8 Maddening Cloud
- 9 Magic Mountain
- 10 Pink Love
- 11 Equus
Elephant Woman
(Misery Is A Butterfly) Album Sampler
Melody of Certain Damaged Lemons
Mélodie Citronique
Blonde Redhead / La Mia Vita Violenta
- 1 I Don't Want U
- 2 Sciuri Sciura
- 3 Astro Boy
- 4 Without
- 5 Snippet
- 6 Mama Lita
- 7 Swing Pool
- 8 Girl Boy
- 9 (I Am Taking Out My Eurotrash) I Still Get Rocks Off
- 10 Violent Life
- 11 U.F.O.
- 12 I Am There While You Choke On Me
- 13 Harmony
- 14 10 Feet High
- 15 Down Under
- 16 Bean
- 17 Young Neil
- 18 Jewel
In an Expression of the Inexpressible
Slogan / Limited Conversation
Fake Can Be Just as Good
- 1 Kazuality
- 2 Symphony Of Treble
- 3 Water
- 4 Ego Maniac Kid
- 5 Bipolar
- 6 Pier Paolo
- 7 Oh James
- 8 Futurism vs. Passéism
Symphony Of Treble / Kasuality
Blonde Redhead
- 1 I Don't Want U
- 2 Sciuri Sciura
- 3 Astro Boy
- 4 Without Feathers
- 5 Snippet
- 6 Mama Cita
- 7 Swing Pool
- 8 Girl Boy
La Mia Vita Violenta
10 Feet High b/w Valentine
10 Feet High / Valentine
Flying Douglas
Vague / Jet Star
Amescream b/w Big Song
Amescream / Big Song